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So, I thought it would be fun to have a central spot for everyone to kind of find Surgery date buddies...I know that most of us (myself included) have posted threads, but this could be a comprehensive thread of everyone's surgery dates!
I have a bunch already that were posted earlier in the, here is the list I came up with...I figured it could be a fun place to send well-wishes and good vibes for all of us APRIL LOSERS!
(please let me know if you don't want to be involved, I just figured that since everyone posted already, it was common knowledge...hehe..and its FUN!)
ok, the list I made:
Stephanie K.----------------April 4
HETSB-----------------------April 4
4EvaMil----------------------April 4
Lori S. -----------------------April 6
Debya6257----------------April 6
Donna C.-------------------April 6
Jodi--------------------------April 6
Dee2011-------------------April 8
TXDiva27------------------April 12
mdelarosa-----------------April 12
shunrio---------------------April 13
Lisa--------------------------April 13
Wendy G.------------------April 13
Twinmom07--------------April 14
evilelf-----------------------April 15
sarasar7-------------------April 18
Billie Jo--------------------April 18
ladyalic--------------------April 18
sarinajean----------------April 18
Rana-----------------------April 19
Kiesha---------------------April 19
jhgelliott-------------------April 19
glmglb---------------------April 21
Kelly P.--------------------April 25
maggierose--------------April 26
remembrtherain--------April 26
Cheryl---------------------April 26
miranda------------------April 26
ToDream-----------------April 27
joycelynsmom----------April 27
Katiekeane--------------April 27
Shevondolyn-----------April 29
So, I want to wish all of those recovering, speedy, UNEVENTFUL recoveries, and everyone waiting (like me), get pumpedddd!!!
Please check in if you have a date to add to the list, I'll check back regularly and update!
All the best, friends!
My surgery is just after yours, I know how you're feeling, I'm just a bundle of nerves and I know it's not going to get better until after!
I hope to keep in touch with all the April Losers and that way we can all lose together!
My surgery is in 11 days!
Keep us updated!!
yay April!
I'm only taking a week off, but, I'll just be returning to sitting in school behind a desk for 3 hours a day, so, it shouldn't be that bad!
I'm super nervous/freaking out/excited...all at once. It's pretty much all I can think about sometimes, just making sure that everything goes well and stuff....
I didn't have to do a liver reducing diet, so, I wish you luck, but, I'm already starting on my protein. After talking to my mom, I decided that once I'm done with the choc/vanilla powders and stuff that I have, I'm going to stick to fruit drinks...I am LOVING's one of my, I'm just going to stick to that, and blend it into a smoothie with some ice and diced fruit.
Anyhoo, I'm glad there are buddies here that are around to make the journey together! yay!
Talk to you soon!
which procedure are you having done? :)
are you excited/freaking out like I am?? ha!