How much can you eat now???
Each day I eat an average of 1,600 calories-at least 100 grams of protein and 100 grams of carbs (good carbs--not sugar or white stuff). And I eat all day long.
Been missing you on the boards! Hope all is well.
Hi, I just discovered the April 2010 board...I am so happy to have found it. We are all in the same place...yay.
It depends on my day as to how much I can eat. If I go too long without eating, 4-5-6 hours, then I can only eat a small amount, like 3-4 oz. But if I eat about every 3 hours I can eat a whole cup. One of my favorite go to foods is a 6 inch tortizza...6 in. tortilla, teaspoon of pizza sauce and about 1 oz shredded cheese. Its only about 150 calories, I cook it in the oven until its crispy and it sits pretty good on my stomach. But there are some days when I can only eat half of my tortizza and other days where I can eat a whole one. I also have to remember not to drink to close to eating...this is still hard for me, I used to drink a lot while eating before surgery, its a hard habit to break.