It's a Beautiful Day
Everytime I write about my issues and read replies the next day is so much better. It feels like "who was that girl who felt discouraged yesterday?"
I think I will feel better now that my scale is in the trunk of my husband's car. It will only come out on the 12th of each month.
I had gas so bad last night I came in the livingroom and slept in the chair. I don't think a horse could pass more gas than me. If you ever heard a horse fart you know what I mean. Between the sound and the smell I thought for sure my husband would wake up and gag. This gas is scary because I have to sit on the toilet because I am afraid it's not just gas. Anyway my neck and hip hurts from trying to sleep on my side in a chair. I know I am not the only one that does this but sometimes I fart as quitely and slow as I can under the covers. It smells pretty bad under them and I just hope my husband does turn over and lift the covers.
Now if you knew me you would know that I almost never swear and using the word fart is me being bold. No one ever cussed in my house not even my husband. I guess it's because he lived with 4 females. My son from a previous marriage thinks it's weird here because no one cusses. This is not to say I I don't ever swear.
I am having my first cup of coffee today. It's 2/3rds decaf and 1/3 real coffee. I am not supposed to drink it at all for 3 months but I just wanted to break a rule once.
Yesterday I never got dressed. I had a 3 hour nap starting at 1pm. I had turned the AC on and closed all the curtains and mini-blinds. It was so dark and cool in my house. I probably thought it was time to hibernate. Then I wrote my pathetic post.
Thanks everyone for being so patient with me. I can actually say I am getting better and unless they decide to reopen me and fix the hematoma/seroma I will be completely well soon.
I am hoping this second drain will come out on Thursday.
Give me a call if you want to chat. I am going to go make beds, clean kitchen, and do some laundry. Believe me that will be with many rest stops along the way.

Your BFF
Good idea about the scale. I need to hide mine - I can't help myself and then I get discouraged (which is stupid but I never claimed to be super intelligent lol).
Sorry about all the gas - I am fortunate that I have not yet encountered that ....I am sure my time is coming.
Start Weight 309
Surgery 301
Current 206
O M G - I am down over 100#.