6 Weeks Post-Op and Only 23 Pounds Lost
I copied my blog written today so I could update my friends and peers on this forum.
The information below happened after I had the huge hematoma/seroma. I could eat, drink, walk and loose weight prior. My 23 pound weight loss was during the first 3 week. I have only lost 2 pounds since. I wonder if I hold the record for the lowest weight lost in 6 weeks post-op.
Between all the complications, ER visits, IV fluids etc., etc., etc. I find that I have lost only 23 pounds. My doctor PA said last week not to worry about the weight loss and that they only want to be concerned about me getting well. She also said my body may be holding the weight because I am not well. I gained 5 pounds yesterday and that's a lot of water. I got so upset I asked my husband to put the scale in the trunk of his car and only bring it out on WLS monthly anniversary dates. I look 6 months pregnant and my belly is hard as a watermellon.
My meals have been reduced to 1 tablespoon and I was told 2 tablespoons was too much for my pouch and that I was making myself nauseated by eating too much. I have dumped on things I should not dump on. Many foods don't agree with me. I can eat chicken, eggs and soups.
I get all of my vitamins down.
I get 60-70 grams of protein and even use protein shots or I would never get this in eating 1 tablespoon of food.
I am getting all my meds in.
I am now drinking 80 ounces of water. IV fluids take hours and I don't want to spend another afternoon hooked up to an IV.
I try to walk and on some days I do well. But mostly I get so fatigued my legs don't want to hold me up.
So I am getting the 5 commandments of WLS done. If anyone has any ideas or information that might help me please let me know.
Also Janet went to the hospital and no one knows how to get in touch with her. If you know please send me a pm.
I didn't go to New Orleans. My husband didn't think I should be far away from my doctor right now. I guess I was emotional and felt like I wanted to run away from home.
Thanks for letting me share.
I really wish things could be easier for you. Your doctor might be right about not losing weight because your healing. Since my incision infection I haven't lost any pounds but I have lost inches. My neck, arms, chest and legs are smaller but my waist seems bloated. Nothing like yours though. I can only imagine how uncomfortable that is. It hurts to retain water.
Have they decided to open your stitches up yet for better healing? My incision getting packed twice a day has made it heal 2cm. They say that the healing is better from the inside out.
I wish you could be near your mom. I'm lucky that my son is done with finals and able to help. I need to increase my fluid intake because I have the worst vertigo. The er had no clue what was causing it.
Know we are thinking of you and keep bugging your doctor to find out what is truly going on.
PS. Try a little bit of creamy peanut butter. Even half a tsp helps.
I do think the lack of weight loss is bc of your healing problems and the ivs, etc. Your body is probably still really focused on healing and taking care of itself instead of burning fat.
Keep us updated and stay positive.
We have had similar issues and I have been slow on the weight loss journey over the last week and 1/2. I have stayed steady and not lost in about 10 plus days. The dr's office told me I am lucky not to gain since I am in pain and so nauseated. They said the weight loss slowing is probably due to the problems I'm experiencing.
You are doing so well!! I am not getting in 1/4 of my protein and can only get 1-2 meals a day.
Hang in there! The weight will fall off once you feel better!
Hugs to you!!!
Try not to be discouraged about your weight loss; the numbers will eventually descend again when you are back on track. I know it's frustrating not to see better results when you are this far out, but remember that you are starting all over again. Think of it as a new beginning, a new chance to blossom. Give yourself some extra time, after all you have been through so much! Be sure you continue to meet your protein and fluid goals to help with the healing but most importantly allow yourself time to heal mentally. Try to be patient with yourself my friend and be strong, be confident and be sure that you have a tremendous support group behind you!
You're in my prayers.

~Starting Weight: 261 lbs~~Pre-Op Weight: 241 lbs~
~Current Weight: 155 lbs~
"Just when the Caterpillar thought her life was over, She began to fly..."
I know that losing weight is the reason you went for the surgery, but maybe you should put it out of your mind until you're healed, then worry if you don't lose enough. Everyone who cares about you wants you healed first!!
I am sorry you have to go through so many problems. You are clearly not someone that deserves it. You are so sweet.
Lots of hugs and wishes you heal super fast!
Love, hugs and kisses