Thiamin and Probiotics
Since surgery I have been in the ER once and admitted for 2 nights due to ongoing nausea, vomiting, and the need for fluids. I have not wanted to eat anything and can barely hold down water...though it's getting better. I went for my post op appt with my nut today and she said the symptoms I am having are consistent with Thiamin deficiency. Today I am starting on Thiamin to try to relieve the nausea, and vomiting. She also recommended Probiotics to help regulate my bowels from issues like diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating. I am hoping this will work since I either have really bad diarrhea or constipated like now (haven't had a bm since Friday). Sorry for too much info!
Just wanted to share since I know others may have the same issue...hoping we can help each other heal together! I will keep you posted on whether the thiamin and probiotics work!
Just wanted to share since I know others may have the same issue...hoping we can help each other heal together! I will keep you posted on whether the thiamin and probiotics work!