5 DPO Not sure how I feel ..
I had my ds on the 29th, same day as your RNY, I am just getting back to thinking that I didn't have the biggest mistake - I am still hurting and nauseated most the time. I too did my research and having had 5 surgeries prior to this one, I thought I would do this one easy peasy. NOT. (two of my previous was a lap band put in and a hiatal hernia repair - this is was no different in my opinion) WRONG. I hurt so bad after this one, was so cranky in the hospital, cranky at home, no sleep, nothing... then came tuesday of this week (yep, two days ago) - I got my drain removed and felt better and got the OK for creamy soup - and felt better... and was told to start my vitamins - and felt better. Fast forward to yesterday - first time I didn't cry or sleep all day and started to feel like a real person again. Of course my family has been eating all my favorite foods, not to punish me but because it was there and cheap and easy, so i feel sorry for myself that I can't have it. Anyways - I feel better, and it is day by day, minute by minute. I hate the exercising (my doc requires minimum of 1 mile per day for first week then it goes up after that) cuz I just want to veg and veg some more. But - having other surgeries and recovered wonderfully from them, i expected to bounce back immediately after this one too. Wrong again. So it isn't just you. I have had buyer's remorse everyday since the surgery but what I feel is only because of selfish wants - not needs. You can do this!!! We can do this!!!!
Protein shakes are the best - and you will start to feel better... If it hadn't been the three OK's I got on Tuesday - I would still be hating myself for doing this. But thank God I did and don't hate myself.
OH and watch out for artificial sweeteners (like in low fat yogurt) - they don't seem to taste so good to me anymore. Wishing you the best and I know you will be great!
Protein shakes are the best - and you will start to feel better... If it hadn't been the three OK's I got on Tuesday - I would still be hating myself for doing this. But thank God I did and don't hate myself.
OH and watch out for artificial sweeteners (like in low fat yogurt) - they don't seem to taste so good to me anymore. Wishing you the best and I know you will be great!

I am right there with the rest of you. The first week I was someplace I never thought I would be. I also feel I have a high pain tolerance but this surgery blew me away. Today it is day 10 for me and finally feeling liking a human being again. No way I was getting all the fluid I was suppose to get in those first days and a protein shake or 2 - forget it. Those just made me more nauseated. Now it is a little easier and I am on pureed food. Actually started with the 2nd stage baby foods for the convenience of it. Good Luck to us all who had our surgeries in April - we are now on the other side of it and have to move forward. I keeping everyone to their promise that it will get better.
Hi there. I too, like yourself felt the same way about, why just couldn't i accomplish discipline in one more try dieting on my "own". I am 19 days post op. It is definitely a life change, but, I am glad I did it. In time, you will be able to enjoy foods, just very limited. You are still in major transition and it is the toughest part for me also.
Hang in there and let me know how your doing!
i feel your pain! i had pretty extensive nose surgery a couple years ago and would do that a million times over again instead of RNY. the pain was horrible, foods are disgusting, and even water makes me sick. i am now 16 days post op and feeling a little tiny better. yesterday was depressing and i wanted to sleep all day. i hear it takes times, and honestly i do feel a little better. we will get there! i was driving past burger king today, which i am not even a fan of, and thought "man, if i didn't have this stupid surgery i could so stop and get something there". i had lunch at my brother's for mother's day and say everyone eating steak, beans, and macaroni salad (i don't even like steak) and i found myself thinking "look at the amount they are eating and here i am with soup broth. i want to just taste the macaroni salad or the cheesecake". the odd thing is i cant even stomach food but the thought of being able to eat whatever and however much i want is haunting me! i just keep telling myself it will get better!