How do you get your fluids in?
I am a good water drinker anyway, but had a rough time at first. When I gave up smokiing 3 years ago, I also gave up the soda...(they went hand and hand to me)..So I picked up a water bottle..and now that is pretty much all I ever drink. I keep one by me at all times and constantly sip on it. It is really hard at the meals for me though to remember to stop before, not drink during and wait after...but its happening by habit. I think that is what it becomes habit...
Take a bottle where ever you will be surprised at how much you get in...(tip: put little postie notes at your work area if you can)...
You are not alone my friend! It seems that no matter how much I drink I never get enough in; most days I barely drink 32oz. However, I do find that I drink more when the liquids are icy cold, so I freeze my Cristal Light and shakes just enough to make them slushy!
Sugar Free Jello and soup broth counts as liquids. Sugar Free ice pops are an easy way to get some liquid; the ones I buy are 1.5oz each but every ounce counts!

~Starting Weight: 261 lbs~~Pre-Op Weight: 241 lbs~
~Current Weight: 155 lbs~
"Just when the Caterpillar thought her life was over, She began to fly..."
My issue is with protein. What I liked before surgery is barely tolerable now. I knew that was a possibility, but shocked that it actually happened to me.
I find that I like my protein drinks warm, so that's helping. I am now experimenting with mixing 2 different flavors to jazz it up a bit. Got 60 grams day before yesterday, got up to 70 yesterday, trying for 90 grams today !
HW 315 /CW 152/ GW 148
Yes, drinking 64 oz is sometimes hard to do, especially if you are used to drnking 16oz at once like i was, since going back to work, I'm finding this a little difficult, I asked the nutritionist for suggestions and she suggested that I drink 1 cup (8 oz) in an hour this includes the protien drink too! As for eating and drinking at the same time, I was told very clearly by the dr, nutritionist and rn Not to drink 1/2 hr before and 1/2 hr after eating or I would be hurting. this might help you too!
hope this helps!