Very hurt
HHMM What should we call me. We will say my moms "friend". I cant stand to call him a boyfriend to her. Anyway i was at my moms tonight. She lives across the parking lot from me. We live in a complex. My other sister lives across the other way from my mom. So i drove to my moms to pick up money for what she needed from the store. I was going to grab my older sister while i was there. This ass says to me Why would you drive here. Maybe if you fu----g walked you wouldnt of needed the lapband. I said i have to go to the store. He says walk to the store you need the exercise. EERR i have never disliked someone as much as him. I just went in the bathroom and cried. I was picked on all my life for being overweight. By friends and my grandmother. I am trying to better myself and i have to hear him throw stuff in my face..eerr people like him disgust me. Sorry i just needed to vent. Although i knew there were going to be people knocking me for my decision
You know what I have always said and told myself for years... People can call me fat all they want...if that is the only bad thing they have to say about me, so be it...It only shows how shallow they are..What really would hurt me is someone saying I am a terrible person with no heart...
We can lose the weight, hell, we've made the decision to do it, but ugly cold hearted people like that, usually can't change.....
Be strong. He sounds like a real piece of work....
We can lose the weight, hell, we've made the decision to do it, but ugly cold hearted people like that, usually can't change.....
Be strong. He sounds like a real piece of work....
Chelle is exactly right, if he was not so lazy he would be doing the shopping for your mum!!! you are making the decision to make something of your life, theres no hope for scum like him!
So dust yourself down and put that smile back on your face, your on your special journey . you go girl !!!
Karen x
So dust yourself down and put that smile back on your face, your on your special journey . you go girl !!!
Karen x
My Mom's "Boyfriend" is an a**hole too. She's had a string of them in the past and they were all jerks to me, especially about my weight. This one told me that I should just get hypnotized and learn to put the fork and knife down and I'd lose the weight without having to go through the surgery. This is the same joke...who asked how much it cost to turn someone into shark bait at the funeral home as we were making plans for my Grandfather's funeral. I've just learned that they are ignorant. I love my Mom...but not her choices, but she doesn't like my choices either. Know that you are the better person and tell him to mind his f'ing business. :-)

Hey are our moms dating the same guy. That sounds about how he is. See my dad passed away April 13, 06. This was the first guy she met after my dad so i guess thats why she needs him. She has never mourned for me dad. I guess she is scared. She was with him for 35 years. IDK but all i can do is be there for her and ignore him.