5 days out and in so much pain
It may be. I also had alot of pain for about a week after my surgery. I tried to tough it out, becasue I didn't want to use up all my pain med. Trust me use you medication as directed to make yourself confortable. The pain will slowly get better. I am about 10 days post op and now with very little pain execpt when I over do it. Good Luck. 

I'm two weeks out from lap rny and my tummy still feels bloaty- especially the upper part. I can see weight-loss on my hips and lower tummy but the upper part seems as big or bigger than before. I'm going to be patient. Hope you are feeling better and better. I too encourage you to use your pain meds and to remember to breathe deeply a few times every hour to keep your lungs healthy after anesthesia.
i had a lot of pain too and was supprised after talkin to a bunch of people who said they had very little pain and here i am in hella pain and i even ended up back in the er staying in the hospital for another 2 days but after resting and taking pain meds as perscribed i feel a whole lot better im even able to drive again which is great cause i hate being stuck somewhere. and with the whole bloating feeling i have bloating too but they said its just from the gas they used so i guess you need to do a lot of burping and farting lol