Things I wish I knew before surgery

on 4/23/10 3:53 am
 Ugh.... I feel like I wa**** by a semi truck. I had my surgery on 4/20 and I was released on on 4/22. I am completely exhausted and because its uncomfortable to sleep any other way besides a reclined position. Here are a list of things I wish I was told about the surgery instead of finding out the hard way.
1. I have a "dimple" on one side of my stomach. 
2. I have diarrhea twice, BUT it is old blood and a few clots
3. Getting out of bed and walking is the most painful thing to do but I understand its the most necessary

If anyone has anything to add please do.

on 4/23/10 3:58 am
You'll get better. It took me about a week to get back to normal. I still have some gas but not alot and in finection on my incision. Other then that i am my normal self
(deactivated member)
on 4/23/10 4:18 am
You are so not alone. I had an open but first an attemp at laproscopic and my whole abdoniminal area was awful.

I rented a chair from MedMart. It is a recliner that lifts you up to standing and lowers you to a sleeping position. You do not have to use your stomach muscles and that was my main source of pain. I was screaming and pounding on my husbands chest when he helped me in or out of bed the 1st day at home. That was the last day as using my bed.

Today is day 12 for me and although I am much better there is a good ways to go.
on 4/23/10 8:00 am - Orange, CA
Oh boy do I know what you are talking about. I had surgery the same day as you and they had to remove my lapband before doing the sleeve. He said the scarring on the band was so bad he could hardly get a tube through it. I have a big dimple too right where the drain was. I was due home yesterday but because I was throwing up they kept me a day longer.
I have gas pains but they are easing. I will be sleeping on the lazy boy. Just remember to get your liquids in and walk lot.

on 4/26/10 3:30 am - FL

Okay, I have to totally agree with you!  Surgery for me was 4/21.  Home on 4/24.  THANK GOD they kept me there that long.  I had no idea laporoscopy would be so major in every way!  The follow up upper GI day after surgery I thought i was going to die.  i have six little holes on my upper abdomen and one (included) in my belly button.  The dermabond glue makes them a little "dimply", but healing will help for sure. 
I had my husband bring our recliner (that is part of a media grouping sofa) down to bedroom and it has SAVED me.  I sleep in that and get up shower, dry hair (takes all my energy) then i drink a protein shot and get a little energy back, do a little around the house and then whooped again!  Back in recliner!  I am feeling better everyday, but like the song by COLDPLAY says "No one ever said it was easy.....but no one ever said it would be this hard".  Those are my thoughts on Gastric Bypass surgery......but I know it will be worth it.  Just keep thinking that.


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