post -op day 3
Today is my post-op day 3 and doing well. Little sore, but not to bad. Was able to take a shower today. That was wonderful! Sipping on liquids, all the time. Found out if I taake to big of a hurts! Like a really bad stomach cramp. So I keep it sloow and steady. That's what wins the race! Hope everyone else is doing great.
I like to read posts like yours! I have been sipping decaf green tea. Because it is hot it is a comfort. I am 10 days out and my progress was slow but I have really felt more like my old self in the last two days. I had an Open RNY but only after the Lap RNY failed. They say the open hurts more but I think the lap incision is worse.
It is so pretty and sunny outside. Spring was a terrific time to haave WLS.
It is so pretty and sunny outside. Spring was a terrific time to haave WLS.
Good for you girl!! I'm glad to hear you are feeling ok. It's rough the first few days, things seem to change on a daily basis too. I had a lot of trouble getting used to sipping. I was a large drinker...huge glasses of iced tea and lots of diet soda. That had to chage And I dunno if you have it yet, but I make this gurggling sound when ever I drink now. Espeially if I drink too fast!! And it backs up in my chest..or at least thats where I feel the pain. But, day by day , week by week and month by month it changes constantly!! The best thing is, you will loose ALOT of weight while going through it. Seeing the scale keep going down and your clothes get baggier and baggier is a wonderfull pay off!!! I hope you keep feeling well and that you are as happy with your surgery choice as I am!! Take care of You!!! Donna

I have noticed that if I take to large of a sip or drink to much at once that it does cause pain. Right under my breatbone in the center. Also if I sip to fast I burp alot. Have been trying to start adding in some protein mixes. I have one that is like Hawian Punch and is really good. Has 15 gms of protein. Not felt hungry and luckly have not had any nausea thus far.