Did I Have Surgery? Tell That to My Digestion System
I am not even constipated.
I am actually hungry and I think about foods that are not on our WLS plan now. It's like I am thinking of everything I used to love to eat.
I hope my mind will catch up with my RNY soon.
I was STARVING right after mine. Everyone talked about not being hungry, hating food, yadda yadda yadda. I really did start to wonder if they did actually do an RNY on me or did they just pump me full of an exorbinate amount of air just to make me feel like I had one. Seriously, I started to wonder if I was in some blind test of rny vs placebo effect. Well I did have it, and that hungry feeling went away once I was able to start pureed foods at 2 weeks out. But I am still waiting for my mind to catch up with my RNY...^_^*
OOPS!! I am sorry I just realized that this is the April 2010 board, sorry!
Just when the Catipillar thought the world was over
....She became a Butterfly
300+ /260/ 140 Current BMI 22.4 /No Longer a #, just were my body is Happy
Highest Weight/ at surgery/ current /Goal
I know what you mean about wanting other foods. I'm lucky, I guess, that I'm not hungry and so far, no sugar cravings (I was a sugar fiend before surgery.
Hope you are feeling better. I think most of us are going through stalls and wondering if wls is going to work for us. At least that is what I"m thinking.
I'm so happy for you that you've had so much else going well! Pain and head hunger aren't too fun though. I am glad you're making progress though!
I am hungry sometimes, but it feels differently than before I got the band. Now it's seems less urgent when I tummy rumbles. Maybe I'm just getting used to ignoring it.
I do have head hunger, but on the bright side because I haven't had real food in 3.5 weeks I am craving eggs or meatballs, both of which I'll be able to eat at some point though, so that part is good . Sadly however, hamburgers have been popping into my head again and they are my weakness. All these people talk about wanting candy and baked goods, but I just want a giant mayo filled cheesy bacony hamburger. On the bright side, I can probably make my own and eat it without the bun or mayo. But not for another three weeks. Gah! My surgeon went out of town so I have to wait extra time before he can give me the okay or mushies! Oh well... time to make my shake for lunch.
<3 Hugs!

~Starting Weight: 261 lbs~~Pre-Op Weight: 241 lbs~
~Current Weight: 155 lbs~
"Just when the Caterpillar thought her life was over, She began to fly..."