Home at Last!!

on 4/15/10 8:18 pm
Well, I went into sugery on Tuesday. Had a 5:30AM check in time. Got there, paid my co-pay stuff and then went down to pre-op.

I've always had bad, rolly, not easy to poke veins, so for the purpose of my IV, I told the nurse just to start with my hands/wrists because that is where I have the most luck. Top of right hand, blown. Top of left hand, blown. Finally got left wrist by thumb/palm. Okay then...

Had some bloodwork done, did another pregnancy test, saw the surgeon, saw a bonus surgeon who will be in the same OR helping, saw anesthesiolgist with his helper and a student. (OHSU is a training college). I was given some happy juice by one anesth. guy. Just mademe a little loopy. I could still function/talk, etc.

Hubby went to car to put some unneeded stuff away, then went to the waiting room. I got wheeled back to surgery!

There are something like 25 or more operating rooms in this hospital, IIRC, I was in OR18 or 22.

I remember having to roll over from the traveling bed onto the surgery table. There was a red doughnut squishy pillow which they called the bullseye. I was to put my head there. I also remember my left arm being stretched out and also on a soft muchy pillow.

After that - I don't remember NOTHING!! =)

I woke up in my hospital room. I think my hubby was there, but truthfully I can't remember. It was a shared room with one other person, who was sleeping when I got there, We became good friends!!  More on her later=)

I felt around my incisions, first counted 6....but then I found a BONUS incision lower on my gut, below my belly button. The rest were all above. The one by my sternum hurts the most. It's where the majority of the surgery took place to create the RNY pouch, and most likely the largest instrument placed. It's bruised pretty bad. I plan on having hubby take some pictures later.

None of the other sites hurt at all. Not even the least bit tender, though the sternum one isn't all that bruised.

Then came......vomiting...and after vomiting a couple times, dry heaves.....then after that HICCUPS. I had the damn hiccups for about an hourstaright!!! OMG!! Make them STOP!! =P

I saw my kids, hubby and mother inlaw. Fairly late, but I think hubby went to his moms to take a nap. She took the kids to the zoo. They had tons of fun =)

Wednesday is when roomie and I started talking. Her name is Darlene and she lives fairly close to me. She didn't have gastric bypass done, but close enough! Over the past year and half or so, her esophagus stopped working and the sphincter valve from esophagus to stomach just about closed up. So her surgery on Tuesday - The doctor cut that valve muscle abd then moved her stomach up around it. So she'll be on the same type of clear liquid/full liquid/soft foods as I am.

We really helped motivate each other!

So on Wednesday - they wanted me to get up to walk. I tried doing the logroll from the right side of my bed. OWIE!!! I could barely get up! So I tried doing it from the left side abd that worked a lot better for me. However, once I was sitting up, the nausea/lightheadedness and PAIN almost made me pass out!!! I was able to lay down right away. Nurse was very happy with me though! Ohh I also cried at that point because of the pain!

It earned me a shot of pain killer immediately in addition to my morphine IV drip. Plus the PCA drip I could hit every 10 minutes,

I also got a patch for behind my ear to help with any dizziness. It's something that people can use for motion sickness. Good for 72 hrs, and then I had a script for 2 more. Which insurance only covered like $3 so my MIL paid $45 =P

I WAS able to get to side of bed easier afterwards. They pulled my catheter at 7AM Wednesday. And told me I had until 1pm (6hrs) to use the bathroom myself or else they'd have to do a bladder scan and another catheter (with no numbing!) so At about 10 to1....I got up and peed!! They got a portable commode thingy so I wouldn't have to walk across the room. It didn't feel like that much had come out, but my hat was filled about halfway.

I was okay pain wise for quite some time though they had to start Some other stuff throughout Wednesday - my skin started majorly itching. Most likely because of anesthia wearing off, or being in bed, or medsm I don't really know. Except EVERYWHERE was itchy! Back, arms, chest, legs, feet...so I got a shot of BENADRYL in my IV and I passed out....probably a good 3-4hrs! But I wasn't itchy when I wokeup!!

I was able to order some jello (gross), some broth (also gross and not even WARM) and a popsicle. I had one of the two. It took them 45 minutes to deliver my food. So my jello started getting lots of moisture, brother, almost cold, popsicle, half melted. Okay by me, I didn't really want anything to begin with =P

Then the abdominal ga****from start of intestines to end...pain pain and more pain. I HAD to pass gas but it just wouldn't leave! Once it finally did, the pressure released and I felt so much better!

I ended up staying another night just because my nausea wasn't fully controlled. And I hadn't really been able to get up to walk, even though I wanted to. I saw a pyhsical therapist later on, and DID walk quite a bit. But I was real shaky afterwards so went to lay down again. I also brushed my teeth, and qiped myself down with some cleansing cloths that I brought from home. They are like baby wipes. But smell better =)

I think some other stuff happened too,,,but can't recall everything. I know hubby, gramma and kids came by again. Hubby and kids stayed at grammas house agaun Tuesday night, but then came home so he could check on the cats, bird, fish and to let the kids sleep in their own beds.

I was discharged this morning, got my stuff all together, exchanged info with Darlene, 5 prescriptions (pain killer, nausea med, zantac, colacem and 2 more patches for dizziness.

Plan was just to have gramma take me home, but I really wanted a shower. So we stopped at her place and I got in. Didn't have any problems, but felt really weak afterwards, so I ended up taking like a 3 hour nap. During that time, she went out and filled my prescriptions for me!!! YAY!! I took a zantac (will need to take 2 a day) and 10mg oxycodone. Which is what I was on at hopistal. However this one isn't liquid, but I was able to tolerate swallowing with no problems.

Ended up staying at mother in laws until 9pm (we left hospital at noonish) just because of the relaxation and PEACEFUL QUIETNESS!!!

Once we got to my house, with the kids still being awake and seeing mommy AND gramma...it got really loud!

But I had some more broth, hubby showed me my new laptop (which I'm using right now in bed....) and then had a popsicle. MY cat is snuggled up against my leg, I can't sleep, but not in any pain right now...until I started moving ={

I know when I went down to pre-op they weighed me and I was 297.5. Didn't weigh me again after that. So I did when I got home and it said 295ish. So only a couple lbs, but I'm still sowllen in my belly and still feel bloated with lots of gas!

Right now I still pass gas a lot, but it doesn't really hurt. I use my legs to stand and always brace my hands on something to help push. The toilet seat is low, so I use the walls.

I got in about 30 ounces of liquids, Mainly waterm but I did have a couple sips of decaf coffee and part of a popsicle while at the hospital in the morning, 2oz broth and 20oz of water at mother-in-laws plus had 4oz of broth here at home, and drinking a couple sips of fruit punch crystal light.

That's pretty nuch my story! If anyone has questions for me, I'll be glad to answer them, but please realize I might not be on the board as frequently =)

Take care and good luck to all those who have gone since me and will go this month!!!
Karen ~ Had surgery 4-13-10!! Lost 30lbs in 3months pre-op
Highest 350 ~ surgery weight 297.5 ~ current 195 ~ goal 175 (August 2012)

Chris S.
on 4/16/10 1:42 am
Feels good to be home eh? I can't wait to go home. I had surgery Tuesday morning as well, but my Surgeon requires a 3 day hospital stay, but I'm going home today.

I feel pretty fortunate, I had no nausea, vomiting, and very little coughing.

Congrats on a successful surgery. I hope your recovery goes smoothly.
on 4/16/10 2:47 am
Glad your home and recooping.  Wow, can't imagine the hicups most have hurt...Sounds like your feeling better now.  Join the walk, walk, walk, sip, sip, sip on line friends....lol.  glad your home and doing well.  Get some rest.  10 days out here and feeling better.  (except below the left rib cage, guess that's gonna hurt a while).. Kathy
on 4/16/10 6:49 am - Bonney Lake, WA
Glad that you are home and all went well, with the exception of the nausea.  I hate to throw up, so I'm sure I'll end up same as you.. with nausea.  Sorry it lasted so long.

I'm shocked that you actually lost weight?  All the postings I read is as much as 10 pounds gained after the surgery due to saline being pumped into you.

Take care and get some rest.  Keep us posted.  Thrilled that you are over the hump.
HW 315 /CW 152/ GW 148

on 4/16/10 7:35 am
Well, I did pee a lot while there. It didn't really FEEL like I had anything to pee out, but I ended up filling half the pee hat!

I right now, my incisions are itchy. I'm trying my best not to pick at them, scratch them....but it's very hard to do! I wish I could put some gauze or bandaids over them, but dr/nurses said no =(
Karen ~ Had surgery 4-13-10!! Lost 30lbs in 3months pre-op
Highest 350 ~ surgery weight 297.5 ~ current 195 ~ goal 175 (August 2012)

on 4/16/10 7:57 am - Hartford, CT
I'm glad your home and feeling better.  I appreciate your detailed post!!
My surgery is the 29th and I am begining to feel really nervous.


HW 273 / SW 265/ CW 232/ GW 140

(!? I will get there some day!)

RNY revision/repair! 6/18/19

on 4/16/10 1:34 pm
Awww, thanks TeeMarie! I like reading stuff candid. I didn't have any bad experiences other than the nausea, which is directly related to the anesthesia, and the dreaded hiccups!!

I did spit up twice, darker blood in there from the actual surgery. But that came and went.

If anyone has other questions, please feel free to ask me! I will be as open as I can =)

This is my 4th surgery. 2 c-sections and my gallbladder out laparoscopically. So I went into surgery pretty much knowing how I'd feel once out of recovery. I know there are a lot of people on here who have never had a single surgery at all!

So I reiterate my offer - ask anything you want =) If not on this post, then PM me =)
Karen ~ Had surgery 4-13-10!! Lost 30lbs in 3months pre-op
Highest 350 ~ surgery weight 297.5 ~ current 195 ~ goal 175 (August 2012)

on 4/16/10 12:55 pm - Bonney Lake, WA
I think itchy is good, that's a sign that they are starting to heal already.   So glad you're home and up and around !
HW 315 /CW 152/ GW 148

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