Anyone blogging?
Yes, I did start a blog really for my own santity, but here is the link Good Luck. Thanks
Most of us have blogs, like BigDaddySlim said, for our own sanity... 
When I first started here on the site, I would just read people's posts on the main board (I found the other boards after about 3 months). When I found one that "spoke to me" I would click on their username and then get to their page. If they blogged, I'd read and learn! Then I would invite friends... soon enough, people would invite me!
Now I believe you have to give to get... So I try to post on the forums when I can; answer questions I have some knowledge of; offer support; and of course, when something new came up or I had something to say... I blog!
That is how I found out about other people's journeys.
Good Luck... your Oh! family is here to support you!

When I first started here on the site, I would just read people's posts on the main board (I found the other boards after about 3 months). When I found one that "spoke to me" I would click on their username and then get to their page. If they blogged, I'd read and learn! Then I would invite friends... soon enough, people would invite me!
Now I believe you have to give to get... So I try to post on the forums when I can; answer questions I have some knowledge of; offer support; and of course, when something new came up or I had something to say... I blog!
That is how I found out about other people's journeys.
Good Luck... your Oh! family is here to support you!
OK like you said I needed to blog for my sanitiy..
I started mine and it is not much so far but anyone is welcome to read it.
I started mine and it is not much so far but anyone is welcome to read it.
i started t not interesting
I am blogging and I need some followers! I have NONE! lol
It's very therapeutic for me and a good outlet. Please follow me !
It's very therapeutic for me and a good outlet. Please follow me !