Hoping the next 21 days go by fast
Hi im on 17th, I cant wait... but the days are going fast now, Iv started my liquid diet yesterday, had my pre med last thurs and paid my bill the same day, so I know its happening. Now as soon as I get in from work im on this site so I can learn as much as possible... Try doing that and your time will pass quickly...
Im planning doing as many jobs around the house before surgry in case im not able after it... time flies when your having fun...
Im planning doing as many jobs around the house before surgry in case im not able after it... time flies when your having fun...

When I got to 2 weeks time started flying. I have a lot to do so I won't have to do it before surgery and I was beginning to think I wasn't going to get things done. Now I am down to six days and it will be monday before I know it.
I looked and you only have 14 days to go. It will be here befor you know it.
I looked and you only have 14 days to go. It will be here befor you know it.
When I'm stressed I CLEAN. I've been reorganizing my closet, linen closets, rooms, kitchen, pantry. I've been doing my spring cleaning also so I hope that it will keep me busy and before I know it the big day will be here.
My mom wasn't on board with this surgery at first but I have given her the information needed and she's on board now which is great. I'm very very close to my mom and having her support means the world to me. I'm trying to talk people out of coming the morning of surgery....I know my husband and my parents will be there. But I just found out my older brother will be on his way from a business trip and stopping off for my surgery and then going home afterwards. And one of my very best friends. I love them all and love that they want to be there. Guess I'll need a separate waiting room just for my visitors :) I'm really glad that the hospital I'll be at has private rooms.
My mom wasn't on board with this surgery at first but I have given her the information needed and she's on board now which is great. I'm very very close to my mom and having her support means the world to me. I'm trying to talk people out of coming the morning of surgery....I know my husband and my parents will be there. But I just found out my older brother will be on his way from a business trip and stopping off for my surgery and then going home afterwards. And one of my very best friends. I love them all and love that they want to be there. Guess I'll need a separate waiting room just for my visitors :) I'm really glad that the hospital I'll be at has private rooms.