Good Luck April Peeps Let us know how you are doing!
A lot of pre-op diets are going one. Last minute preparations. Are you like packing and unpacking?
Have you stocked up on post-op meals?
What are you going to do while you recover?
Please, please let us know how you are doing. It will be exciting to keep in touch and share.
We can have a 1 year anniversary get together too.
I will have my phone so I can send you a text after surgery.
Are you getting excited? The time seemed to drag and then when 3 week**** time started flying.
Ho[e your ankle gets better quick.
Sycamore hospital called today and did my pre-surgery registration for my EGD and my surgery.
Are you going to the support meeting on the 9th?
It's beginning to really set in, and I'm excited and nervous... apprehensive and impatient! LOL In other words... there's a whole gamut of emotions in this house!
I've made my list for packing, but won't start the actual packing until next week (my surgery is on the 12th). Since I have to stay at a hotel near the doctor for another week (I'm 2 long freeway hours away from him) I have to pack for the hospital and the hotel (and for my husband who will stay with me for at least 3 days of the week that I'll be in the hotel).
I do plan on reading a lot, relaxing a lot and walking, well... maybe not a LOT, but walking as much as I can until a few weeks out.
Oh, and the other thing I've got to figure out how to do... is how to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary 3 days after surgery! Anyone got any suggestions? :-D
Good luck to everyone! :)
Highest Weight 384, Pre-surgery weight 313, Current Weight @144, Goal Weight 150, Ideal Weight 136

"Be not anxious for what you shall eat, or what you shall drink ... or what you shall wear ... Isn't life more than food? ... and the body more than clothing?"~ Luke 12:22; 29
no realy preop diet ehre i have to just eat light the day before and drink my NASTY laxative drink =/
i have everything ready in its own cabinet and all together and waiting!!
recovery i am planning on being home with my son... and HOPEFULLY potty training..... we'll see though lol.
i cant wait to give you all an update when im outta the hospital!!!!