6 Months Post Op....How are you feeling!
I am trying to think of all the things that I had reservations about before having surgery, so that I can share with others how I feel about those issues now. One of the major things that come to mind is how concerned I was with how my husband would react to the weight loss and if and how our relationship would change after surgery. Ben (my hubby) and I had a very strong relationship to begin with and although he was very supportive of weight loss, he was not supportive of the surgery itself. He was sure that something would go wrong during surgery and he would be left to raise our children alone. After a very successful surgery, he has continued to be my biggest supporter. Our relationship has continued to grow stronger, and he has a new found appreciation for my new body....LOL. And, although he would never admit it, he also has a new found jealousy of the attention that I have been getting. I can't really blame him though.....I would have snatched someone bald for trying to pick up my man right in front of me...lol.
Some of the other issues that I am facing are with my weight loss. I am already at my goal with in 6 months and I am continuing to lose weight pretty steadily. I am at a point now where I am comfortable and happy with the weight that I am right now. I am still eating very small portions and should be at a point now where portions start increasing and my weight should be stabilizing, but that has not happened yet. I try not to get overwhelmed by it and just continue to eat what I can.
I am eager and willing to answer any questions that anyone has for me.
I am also 6 months post op - in a couple of days...and I am feeling fantastic. I wont say its been easy, although I have not vomited once since the surgery, I have pain when I eat too fast or eat meat that is not VERY soft! Its frustrating sometimes. The weight was coming off steady, but I have about 50lbs to go and it seems like its at a standstill. Maybe I need to join a gym and do different exercises other than walking and biking??? My relationship has suffered greatly from my surgery. My husband, who was very supportive of my obesity before, is now a VERY jealous man and is making my life crazy! Its probably normal for the husband to feel this way, but very hard to deal with.
I was 6 months out earlier in the month and I feel terrific!
I am down about 57 lbs and about 40 left to goal. I find that I CONTINUALLY have to monitor my thinking to keep old habits from creeping back. I'm hopeful that one day, those negative thoughts will be a thing of the past.
On those days when I'm feeling bad because I can't (won't) eat something I really like (like high fat fried foods and gravy - yes I'm a southern girl!) I try to remember that my whole objective is to align my stated values (what I say) with my behavior (what I do). If I say my family is important to me, I can't act in a way that puts food (or anything else) ahead of them. If I say my family is important, I need to reflect that in my behavior by taking good care of my health so that I'll be around a long time to see my kids grow up, etc.
The head issues are more of a struggle than the food issues at this point. I've taken up running and am training for a 1/2 marathon in December. I feel more confident and am continuing to gain confidence every day.
Otherwise, all is well! I am happy! I went from a size 18 to a 12 so far. I hope I can continue to lose over the next 6 months! I seem to lose one week out of every 4-6 weeks. It is crazy that way, but at least I know when I will loose! It is usually right after my period, that week, I will lose a pound to a pound and a half a day for a week. LOL.
Hope everyone is great! If anyone wants to keep in touch I am on facebook! www.facebook.com/ethanlanesmom
Mommy to Ethan Lane 12/3/03 weighing 4lbs 11oz 17 3/4"
& Zachary Logan 5/12/07 weighing 3lbs 4oz 16"
& Gavin Liam Due 3/18/11 born 2/3/11 weighing 3lbs 15oz 17"
Mommy to Ethan Lane 12/3/03 weighing 4lbs 11oz 17 3/4"
& Zachary Logan 5/12/07 weighing 3lbs 4oz 16"
& Gavin Liam Due 3/18/11 born 2/3/11 weighing 3lbs 15oz 17"
My goal is to get to ONEderland by Thanksgiving, but time is running out fast and my weight loss has slowed drastically. I even hit a 4 week stall in September/October that was torturous to say the least.
I am 12lbs away from reaching 199. However I am sure that even if I reach that goal by T-day I will probably gain 5 lbs back just from all the food on T-day, LOL
If anything I know I will have reached ONEderland before the end of the year. There is no doubt in my mind at all.
I am 61 lbs away from reach my goal weight and I don't see myself not making that goal weight by my one year surgiversary!
I'm LOVING my sleeve. I've gone from a size 30 down to a 16/18 now. I can shop in both plus sized departments and regular departments now that I am on the boarder of sizes like that.
Visit us at Motherhood after WLS !
Mom to 8 ~ Adelyn Grace arrived July 8, 2010!