LRNY 4/30... Slow weight loss normal??

Hi Tina!
I too am a newbie and don't know what the rules are either and don't know the lingo either.
CONGRATULATIONS! on your choice to LapBand yourself. I too had it done on 4/16 and today I am 4 weeks post op.
Yes, I have to remind myself to NOT chug my water down and sip it only otherwise I am hurting. I was very hungry on my 2nd week and told Dr. Jay about that on the first support group meeting I had last week. He didn't say much about it just said that as long as I didn't vomit so I guess it was ok for me to eat more than just pureed foods. i also called his office before the support group and they said that since the swelling went down it's normal to feel hungry but i was like you... very hungry. I skipped the puree. I did see one of his doctors at 2 wks post op and she gave me the go ahead on tuna/chicken salad with light mayo and I devoured that all day! got a little sick but now I really don't have a lot of yearning for soft foods. before my 3rd week was up i was eating soft soft brisket and potatoe salad. was heavy but didn't need anymore. now, i just concentrate on baked fish, mashed potatoes, cream of wheat, pudding etc. the soft stuff...... I was afraid to mess things up so i'm back on protein drinks but really can't handle it much like i did in the first 3 weeks. i'm planning to make my own protein drinks. they say that before you get your first fill you MIGHT gain some weight otherwise you should be losing 1 to 2 pounds a week. i dont have a scale yet so i don't know what i weigh but i was at 273 before liquid diet preparation and lost 10 pds then 1 week after surgery lost another 10 pounds.... now i feel i might have gained at least 5 to 8 pounds. i don't walk but am trying to make myself DO IT! - I can't wait for my first fill. that should help me eat less and hopefully loose.... i do however know that i don't eat much the same or as much as i used to so i know this is still helping me as a tool to not go too far. i've dropped the water level so now I've got to go back on sipping water, vitamin water and walk! just weigh yourself once a week and make a note of it. they do say that protein creates more muscle and that is ok because you can still lose inches. i went on and on sorry about that but i hope this sort of helps because believe me i was there!
Did you not get guidance from your nutritionist? Mine have been very specific about liquids, then pureed, then soft, then soft/firm, then not regular food until 3 months out. REMEMBER until about 6 weeks out or later you cannot feel whether you are full. Your nerves where cut during the surgery and have not healed back yet. Do not overeat in portions size. I am six weeks out and am very careful of not consuming more than 3-4 oz at a time, less if it is firmer food. Even though you cannot feel that you are full, you probably are overly full. Don't wait for your pouch to reject it (throw up). Good luck and take it easy - we all have a lot of learning to do after this lifetime change.
I am still on full liquid diet, I had my surgery April 27Th. I am now 5 weeks out. I would never chance rupturing my stapes!!! By eating that much and taking gulps of drinks...I can not believe you ate half a fish...2-3 ozs should have been plenty for you at this time. And crackers too with sugary peanut butter?? You are either very brave.. or just don't care that you just had weight lose surgery..Why did you have this surgery if you want to ruin it already?? it really makes no sense to me.. Please I beg you!! To rethink what you are eating and doing.
I may sound mean to you, but some folks really need a kick in the butt to make them think.. I know I sure would want one, if I were not following the rules... Take care, Please call your surgeon first thing in the morning...Ask them what you should be eating and doing...All the best to you...Alizka
Try to blend:
1/2 chicken breast (I throw them in the crock pot a couple times a week)
1/4 cup nonfat plain yogurt
1 scoop unflavored protein
1/4 cup salsa
garlic to taste
Serve over refried beans
It makes a nice flavorful meal, and its full of protein.