Mine is April 7th - Surprisingly excited
I wasn't sure how I would feel after I got the date. I had had some anxiety recently and was concerned about some travel that I had to do this summer and whether I was going to be able to with a strict diet at 3 months out. I also was concerned about my job - busy time of the year. After I got the call on Friday I was very happy and excited. Surprised myself.
Congrats! i cant beleive it its like 3 weeks away! to me it seems like everything is going so fast! I hear ya with the job thing... as a manager for home depot we are about to enter in our bread and butter season. I know they are all probably giving me the stink eye and thinking to themselves "she cant wait till fall?" i just look at it this was... they wouldnt make someone needing heart surgery wait till fall! so im over it.. i told them last week. my boss acted happy for me, but i know he was secretly crapping himself. lol.