Today is my 11 months anniversay.... I have come a long way from where I was a year ago!! I have lost just over 150# as of this morning!!! My official weigh in this morning was 193.2#
I don't ever remember being below 200. I know when I met my hubby back in 1998 I was around 220#, and that was after dieting for months from a high of 280# back in 1997. I am so glad that I finally had the courage to get this surgery done. I had thought about it for a long time, but was pretty much a big chicken.
I am often asked by others if I have any regrets about this surgery... my only answer is: YES... THAT I DIDN'T HAVE IT 10 YEARS AGO!!! I feel like I missed some of my life, being as big as I was. I was active, and traveled, but with limitations. I can't even begin to count the number of times I felt embarrased about being to large to do something. Like sitting comfortably in a booth, airplane seat, or amusement park ride. I have so much more life to live now!!!
I have come to realize that I will not get to my goal of 170# by my year anniversary. I know I should be greatful for the loss I have had so far, and I am. I just can't help but wonder, if I had exercised a little more, eaten a few bites less, taken in more protein or water, would I have been able to get to my goal. I guess you can't look back to often. I will keep going forward.. knowing I can get to my goal of 170, even if it is a little longer than a year out!! After all, I know there is no way in hell I would have lost 150 pounds by myself!!!
1 more month to go til my year!!!!
Was talking to another staff member, Sally, today who has been really successful with her WLS. I didnt realize she was the same height as me and now weighs 130. She looks sooo much smaller than that. We talked body image for a while and it really made me think that if she was the same height and weight as me that I AM THAT SMALL too!! I still see the big me. She said she has purposely gained up to 130. She said right before she got sick and had her gallbladder out she got down to 119. I remember she looked terrible and was too thin. It really set in that I am where I want to be. Dr. Suh said at my last appointment he thought I would get down to 120. I think anything lower than 130 is too low. Have been at 132-134 and again thought I was maintaining. Then the scale dropped on Tuesday to 131 with zero effort. Again, I attribute that to the higher protein. I have cut back to two protein drinks instead of three along with three meals and two snacks. Honestly, I have been snacking on "bad snacks" (Is Girl Scout cookie season over yet?) and havent been making the best food choices but I still get my 80-100 grams of protein first! I do push the protein drinks (always a minimum of 80 grams a day) and food wise I will admit I occasionally eat a few bites of rice, pasta and tortillas with no problem. Granted its a few bites. Never thought I would have a concern about maintaining and keeping weight on but now that has been on my mind the last few day. Thankfully, those who are several years out tell me it will balance out soon and to keep doing what I am doing.
Cant wait to hear from other April 2008 folks.
Preop 242 Height 5'4" Current: 145 Want to get back to 135. ZERO Complications! ZERO Vomiting (Chew, chew, chew)! ZERO Regrets!
I am doing great...I have my days and moments...but all in all...it hasnt been that bad....I have been looking...just looking at pics of plastic surgery for my stomach...but it looks way too painfull...maybe 6 months from now.....maybe not !!!!!
So next month April 9th is my 1 year anniversary.....

And happy Anniversary to everyone that is reaching theirs
Elisa in Ohio
I was 11 months on the 14th. I go in for my 1 year post op appt. on Wednesday 3 weeks early due to not havign any energy. I'm sitting around 160-165 which I had originally said I wanted to sit around 165-170 now I'm thinking this five lb window isn't very bad. I'm in a size 8 some 6's and a solid 10 regardless of the cut of clothes. Up until a couple of weeks ago I had so much more enrgy.
I have my birthday party tomorrow and this is the first bday that I've celebrated as an adult honestly content with my life.