I'm Officially a Foamie
My stomach won't accept anything in it and if it does, by chance, make it through to the intestines, they clamp down as if they're trying to violently rid themselves of some toxic substance. The cramps were debilitating and after a time they'd cause me to throw up, which has topped my list of household chores to be completed daily.
They tried to do an abdominal CT but I couln't hold down the contrast. So they decided to put it in the OTHER end. Well, about 10 seconds into that my bowels clamped down and SPRAYED that room with what was inside me. It was utterly humiliating. After all that, the CT came back normal.
My surgeon is stumped and is considering going back in to look around. I'd like that, I think. The testing is showing nothing new.
I'm so tired and frustrated and sick of being sick.
The ER visits were related to profuse vomiting and abdominal cramping and for migraine that couldn't be treated by oral meds. Not being able to take over the counter meds has its drawback.
(sigh) Still looking for the silver lining.
My RNY was 4/29, and I have done very well with n/v, etc.
Barring any surgical complications, maybe you need a "re-boot."
Have you started over with the diet? Can you get small amounts of clear liquids to stay down? If you can keep ice chips and jello down, start again with the pureed baby foods, etc. Try just an ounce at a time at first. Every time something doesn't work, log it, so maybe a specific food or group of foods can be isolated as problematic. Even though it's not on the diet, I use an old pregnancy trick, and sometimes take a single Saltine cracker in the morning to get things started, because the morning is the hardest to get the stomach going again after it has rested all night, and that single Saltine seems to help.
I know every surgeon has different protocols, but small amounts, chewed thoroughly over a loooong period has worked for me, and that seems to be the one constant in all RNY diet guidelines.
Another thing that has worked for me is aromatherapy. Sniffing a little lavender or cedar/pine, eucalyptus, mint, (no florals), etc. has worked wonders when I needed it.
Silver lining? Have you lost any weight?
Good luck and keep us posted!
Thanks for the advice! It runs right along the lines of the advice the bariatric nurse gave me. She said nothing bu****er and tea, then go to beans, cheese and peanut butter, then if that goes well go straight to solids. She said maybe the purees were my problem.
I'll tell you this much, I'll try ANYTHING. As for the silver lining, it's truly hard to appeciate the weight loss when you feel as if you're about to die. I see on the scale that I've lost 40 pounds since the surgery, but I can't "see" it yet, if you know what I mean.
I'm to the beans and cheese part of the diet now and it has ups and downs. I guess it's a waiting game now.
Thanks again for the reply.