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Please note No rice was harmed in making of the pics
You can begin to get a rough idea of how you might look with breast implants by doing the rice test. Using bags of rice worn inside a sports bra, you can "try on" different sizes very quickly and become educated about fill volume measurements in cubic centimeters (cc's) prior to discussing size with your plastic surgeon. You may want to use bras in several different sizes to experiment with and to simulate how you may look and feel at different sizes.
To make your "homemade" breast implants, cut a 12-inch length of pantyhose (don't use the foot portion) and tie a knot in one end. Then, fill the length with rice according to the chart below to simulate breast implants of various sizes. To try a different size, pour the rice back into the measuring cup and re-measure. Ziploc bags can be used instead of stockings, though stockings are usually more comfortable and conform more easily into shape when placed inside the bra. Different fillers can also be used, including water, instant mashed potatoes and oatmeal.
Amount of Rice (cups) |
Implant Volume Simulated (cubic centimeters) |
0.53 cup | 125 cc |
0.63 cup | 150 cc |
0.74 cup | 175 cc |
0.85 cup | 200 cc |
0.95 cup | 225 cc |
1.06 cups | 250 cc |
1.16 cups | 275 cc |
1.27 cups | 300 cc |
1.37 cups | 325 cc |
1.48 cups | 350 cc |
1.59 cups | 375 cc |
1.8 cups | 425 cc |
2.01 cups | 475 cc |
2.22 cups | 525 cc |
2.43 cups | 575 cc |
2.64 cups | 625 cc |
2.96 cups | 700 cc |
For example, to test your appearance with 350 cc breast implants, fill your stocking with just under 1 1/2 cups of rice.
Once you have prepared your "rice implants," try on different shirts, blouses and bathing suit tops and look at yourself in the mirror. Wear them around the house, to the gym, to run errands and see how your activities are affected. Ask trusted friends, family members and your significant other for their opinions. Think about how you would look and feel with breast implants of various sizes. Take notes throughout the test and take them along if you decide to see a plastic surgeon.
The rice test is valuable as a fast and easy way to approximate your appearance with various implant sizes. Just remember that it is only a general guide for sizing and should be considered mainly as a way to begin educating yourself and prepare for your consultation with a plastic surgeon.
Long time, no talk! I haven't been on the OH site in quite a while. Someone sent me a message asking about local surgeons and the program that I followed.
I've been stuck around 172 - 180 for the past several months... at least 8 months actually.
My husband and I have considered having kids, but I think it's just the wrong time right now for me and I'm basing that decision on my career and lack of a babysitter in the area. My family lives over an hour away from us, so that's not a possibility.
Anyway, back to your topic... I had the lap band, so I'm in a different situation than you. I would like to do some research about pregnancy after the band. From what I understand, the saline is taken out of the band so you can get enough nutrition for yourself and the baby.
I've also briefly thought about having a revision from band to bypass... just briefly. I know that my weight loss has stalled because of my eating habits and lack of exercise. I'm disappointed in myself, angry at myself, and just plain frustrated. I need someone to be accountable to besides the staff at KDMC, And being accountable to myself hasn't been working lately.
Didn't mean to ramble. I hope this helps you. I don't know anyone that's had a pregnancy after surgery, but I would like to hear from some of them as well.
In fact my dad said to me omg you have a voice. At first thought I was saying yes pachyderm(elephant) has a voice. My dad use to call me the pachyderm as my nick name, Then I said yes I do have a voice and it is about time I did,
My monster I mean mother in law told me you are really looking good even tho I hate to admit it! I am thinking what the heck does that mean?
I have been accused by my hubby being narcistic and I said oh yeah it is about me isn't it ? I am 50 and I BELONG TO CLUB I DO NOT GIVE A RATS A$$ what people think. I may actually like being 50 LOL
Dee you are the best and so inspiring and so real
Hugs Lisa
As for my family they don't even bring it up. My brother thinks I took the easy way out and my sister inside is happy but never say anything to me Think she is afraid I will become thinner than her. I have always been the smart one and then the good mother she was always the thin beautiful one and now she is a good mother as well. My mom is proud and tells everyone but me. My family never show emotion. I tell people I had surgery only if they ask how I lost weight but I have been invisible for so many years not many people even knew me fat or thin I never went out of the house.
I think Lisa you have done an amazing job I hope and pray I can get in to a 14 even I would faint if I made it to a 10, but being 5'9 and big boned I just don't think that will happen.
So glad u r home and recovering, I know the flu can do it RNY patients,
I have caught a cold and I am sure cranky to be around, I know I should be better but heck with that I am sick ,, all about me u know, People can wait on me hand a foot. My mother law has the corner on that marketbeing waited on hand a foot I am so upset with myself I did not say u know u should change your own colostomy bag woman but I did ot I bowed down grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .But on humor side I guess I can now I can say I have handled more than enough "She-it" from my mother in law and litterealy mean it.
Rest Jodi and get well
Gotta love it getting mean in our older age. I did fail ***** School But I did sigh up again !!! I am really working on my self confidence, I am extremly shy woman. and feel I have nothing import or worth mean and now I do have something .
It's me...the one who never says much about things but I guess I have turned over a new leaf.......First, you are the only one who matters!!! Sometime, the closest people in our lives are the ones who hurt us the most. Weather they realize it or not, it still hurts!! Real bad sometimes! You are a strong and beautiful person. Look at all the pain you have went thru just to better yourself....You are so worth it!! Most of the people in our lives just don't get it...They would NEVER have the dedication and strength (not to mention nerve) it takes to have WLS.
This is My life and MY dream I am living......If my family or friends can't support me....they have learned to keep their mouth shut because I have showed that "IT CAN BE DONE". Anytime anyone has said anything negative (which has not been very often) I just start tootin' my own horn and they shut up quick. It also helps to quickly point out that everyone has struggles and demons, fortunately, I was willing to do something about mine and in turn, I have added healthy years to my life. I don't shove it down their throat but they know how I feel.
It helps me that I was raised in a strict Baptist home where I learned NEVER to compare myself to anyone else. If I don't fight for one else will.
Do something good for yourself AT LEAST once a day!
Do something nice for someone else AT LEAST once a day. This is how I survive.
OK... I will quit ranting! I think my pain pill just kicked in. LOL
Hugs Sista!
I have the clamity jane label in my family, I mean I if anything can and will go wrong it is me,
I mean I have special needs kids not just one I have a couple and now daughter with a stroke, I have daughter with cystic fibrosis and other one lost her baby at 12 mos tho sudden unexplain death in childhood not called sids because she was over 12 months,
I won the lottery for adversity and my sister won the mega lottery of 324 million how did that happen? (Did I **** off someone above? The saying if it was not for bad luck I would have no luck at all. I FIGHT THE MIND SET BORN LOSER..
Yesterday I placed my new skinny jeans on the bed and I had to take a double look and say oh yeah that is the new me, Hard to beleive I am gonna fit my body in them but it is real and I did,
I am winning the battle of obesity and it is because my A team has been here for me
I was told I am very narsistic and I replied yup about time I was as I can hardly be that being 295 lbs AND CARED ABOUT MY SELF !!!LOL
We all r alittle brassy now becasue when we were fat we had no voice and now we do, I find it amazing people take us serious now and treat us differently. I know we think more postive about or self but obesity is a acceptiable prejudice.
I still cringe when I STILL see kids I had so many kids say to me store wow u r so fat, Now they say nothing how I like it SEEN BUT NOT HEARD CHILD lol