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Lisa A.
on 8/1/10 10:44 pm
Topic: RE: Chronic Sickness Since Gastric Bypass?

My hubby got very sick post gastric and they had to strech his pouch out and he get a vit b shot and also has taken relclaspe to help with severe osteoperosis from  calcium deficency. we also been eating gummy bears vit that we get from costco seems to help with digestion. seems pills were not digestin as well. seems to help him .. I was so malnourished  after my recent surgery, I had to increase my caloric intake and also took vit c and oh my the nausea went away and i feel so much better just taking  vits like hubby did.. U did not mention what new problems. I am feeling amazing and doing well with a slight unfill and taking the gummy vit  Good luck susan. 

Lisa A.
on 8/1/10 10:32 pm
Topic: well it is monday
I thought I would check in and give a update. I had some fill let out of my band so I can get more nutrition  to heal. the docs feel I have been malnourished. and a great cause of why my wounds are not healing. was hard to see my self gain 5 lbs so fast but my mastectomy incision are better. they are keeping the stitches in and will need to expanding my new foobs  with them over time.. I am adjusting to the new me/norm . Hey susan so good to see you  but i am sorry u are feeling so sick.  I wonder where everyone has gone.. So hows the summer going for everyone?
hugs everyone
(deactivated member)
on 7/30/10 2:51 am - NY
Topic: Chronic Sickness Since Gastric Bypass?
Has anyone here been sick with strange new problems since gastric bypass surgery?  We're all three years out and I'd like to talk with anyone that has been experiencing problems.  I have been incredibly sick and want to see what other people are going through.  Maybe we can compare notes.  I need to try and find out what I am doing wrong so I can hope to possibly fix my new problems! 

Email [email protected] for a really quick response or if you simply want privacy. 
Lisa A.
on 7/14/10 2:45 am
Topic: RE: Happy 4th of July
Hey Shar,
I am so sorry to see that u are struggling. I think we will always struggle with our food demends. I know I do. I think it will always be a process and I was watching oprah and she was talking about a book called women food and God sounds like what i been thinking about my food issues.
Other side note i had emergecy surgery  July 1  it seems i  had necrosis of my nipples post masectomy. I was told fact I being a wls patient my healing is impared and will be dealing with wound care clinic.. ugh..
How is everyone? hugs to everyone and sorry i not been around but I bee dealing with surgical brca pos issues ..
I will try be better and check in more
xoxox to all
shar S.
on 7/4/10 12:57 am - Buffalo Grove, IL
Topic: Happy 4th of July
Good morning everyone. I hope you are all doing OK. i took a break for a few weeks and now I am back. I am glad to see some familiar faces.
As you all are, I am also struggling. I find I can eat a tremendous amount and it scares the hell out of me. the carbs and goodies can endlessly go into my stomach. The heavy protein (meats especially) seem to clog me up quickly. So, the question is.........why don't I just stick with the protein?? DUH! My emotional sickness with food has resurfaced, But I will not give up.
I hope everyone has a safe holiday weekend.



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Gineta R.
on 6/29/10 1:52 pm, edited 6/29/10 1:53 pm - Rockledge, FL
Topic: RE: Wow it is sunday already
HI Lisa I know wher you';re comin from.  So much more is going on besides the weightloss.  I was never really prepared for this and I keep seeing the same kind of problems with others that have had some type of weight loss surgery.  Its  funny how we all seem to be  taking the same basic path.  Struggling withthe inner demons.  But I have to keep hope alive that it  will all work out in the end, one way or another.  I'll just keep hangin on to my "A" team family.... 

On a happy note just got back from HY visiting a friend had fun but ate waaaaaaay too much so its back towatching whatI eat for a while.  But I gotta live .... just pay the price afterwards
Gineta R.
on 6/29/10 1:42 pm - Rockledge, FL
Topic: RE: I thick I am officially a cougar
why does it always want something thats so difficult?
Gineta R.
on 6/29/10 1:41 pm - Rockledge, FL
Topic: RE: I thick I am officially a cougar

I just signed up for a yahoo so hopefully we can chat SOON

Lisa A.
on 6/27/10 12:21 am
Topic: Wow it is sunday already
I finally had the time to just zone out and actually just relax.. I first wanted to thanks everyone for their support and caring heart over my recent events. Seems I have pulled away from most people and  kinda been a hermit. I recently be friended a annorexic friend.. I could see my friend struggle with eating issues and well u learn alot being around a person stuggling on the  other side of the scale so to speak. My friend and me have alot ofthe same thoughts of food and  is this gonna make me fat. I guess what i learned from my friend which by the way eats more than i ever could.. is alot how our bodies are influnced by genetics and situation beyong our control. My friend eats more than me lol.. but i am not that skinny.. I often say well I am a great food storage person. Well I did see my plastic surgeon and he told me that I am basically carrying 10 lbs on my chest of saline and that is not my true weight.. I am currently 168 lbs with saline which makes me 158 lbs.. My annorexic friend told me u r not fat.. I was just like what?  she says u r tall and tiny.. I like your body.  she was showing me how her bones stick and and i can see threw the eyes of a annorexic how they see how fat they look. we both been talking curves  and how recently gaining 10lbs made that bony apperance go away for my friend. I have been enlighten and really can see that we are not much different with are realtionship with food post surgery..
Specking of surgery my son was approved to have his lap band on again after losing it the first of the year. So sad to see my son gain 70lbs back since the loss of the lab band.. I thank God every day I still am able to keep my lap band..  so currently my weight is a respectiable 168 with saline implants. I am recovering and maybe not emotionally in a good place but it is all how u see u comming out of this in the end.. I have had major set back with my prophylactic masectomy.. may post pics when i get brave.
I am not sure I can say I am emotionally in a good place but what I can say is i am hanging in there as best as I can..
I am so glad to see friendly faces  and actually the back bone of my weight loss . my A team..
So hows life in your neck of the woods?
on 6/23/10 1:40 pm - Down South, IL
Topic: RE: I thick I am officially a cougar
the heart wants what the heart wants I am so on the same boat!!
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