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i'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks again. and congratulations on all your successes. i'm so jealous that you got to get your breasts done. i can live with a saggy tummy and arms. but i would love, for once in my life, to have perky boobies. just can't afford it.
I think fear is what keeps us from moving forward and being reluctant to talk to your doc should not be in your thoughts. He or she is your partner in your health care and any good doctor will be there behind you 100%. I saw my doc last week and he told me he was very very proud of me and never ever thought I would get to even this weight. I am a sucess story and I told my doc it is because u have been here for me when I wanted to give up on my self. I am so happy.with my self and I do know I will have days when I will think being below 170 is not good enough but then i just look at my fat pics and for some odd reason I feel better about myself I know u are in a better place then u were two years ago and when u set out on your weight loss journey u made a good choice. We all decded to do wls because all the other diets failed us, We all lost gained lost gained . The hard work is now starting we all were given a tool and we all know that when we run and hide and give in to defeat is when we start to fail. I think we need to promice ourselves if we gain to this weight we will do all we can and kick out butts back to reality and I told my self if I get over 170 I am gonna do what ever I can to be below that guess what it worked. I hope to get to 147 some day but for now I am stuck at this weigh 160 something and I need to think of my labs, I am very healthy now and that is what is most important number should be my cholestral my a1c and my blood pressure all were excellent and some reason the scale of 160 something did not seem so bad after all. Congradulatons on your sucessful. Year two is sweet and year 3 will even be better for all of us. Keep comming here because this is another tool in helping your fight to obesity. My saying is weight gaining never take a day off. We are here for u u have done amazing time to celebrate a better u. We all need each other as their is not many of us left. But those that have stayed are doing amazing and even thos some are gaining I am proud that they are comming here for help. I want to come here when I am gaining weight because I hope u will help me when i am failing. What support means good bad and ugly of weight loss. NONE OF US SHOULD BE ASHAMED IF WE GAIN, we should come back and say ok I blew it and now I need help, We all have blown it just matter nows how we handle it when we blow is they key to winning this battle.
Congradulation and give us a update what the doc said.
Jodi and Pam U will do great with your surgeries best thing I ever did after lap band LOL , I am so happy I did my TT and BA even tho at first I thought I did a mistake with the boobies not anymore. Firm and perky are getting better and better each day they just looked funny at first LOL I can't wait to see the both of you,, Take tons of pics
Mine is scheduled for May22nd,,THIS Friday,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,eeeeeeekkkkkkk!!

I'm having the arm left & facelift done at that time.
After that will come the TT & BL. (I hope!!)
Be brave! Look what we have already accomplished! We CAN do this too!!!

i check my bs occasionally and it usually isn't high but i worry about the diabetes coming back.
Thanks for the reply. Congrats on your great results.
Hope it goes great!

Just wondering how most people did on their second year.