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Lisa A.
on 7/12/09 11:08 pm
Topic: What is eating at you today
Children can be the life of us sometimesNot to mention yes drama, Ok true confessions of a morbid obese woman I know that all to well what children can do for you. I  just learned that my daughter's(Alisha) last boyfriend whom she was involved with and almost married is in ICU and  on life support system with a tramatic brain injury, I am thinking wow this could have been my daughter's life I know she was in shock when her sister broke her the news yesterday, Sad reality is his parents must be devistated.
Soon it will be a year since my daughter Angelica had a stroke and sometimes I complain  dealing with a severly handicap Adult child and now  after reading Rhonda post about her sons car accidnet  gives me a dose of humble pie and I am thankful she is alive and even tho many of her dreams and my dreams for her were rerouted and perhaps cut short for her.I just need to remember m y daughter  Ashley does not have her daughter to hug hold and watch her grow. Cannot believe we are comming up on 3 years since our beloved 12 month old granddaughter died of SUDC (SUDDEN UNEXPLAINED DEATH IN CHILDHOOD). My twins have been gone for 28 years and I know how I death with ther death with food. I see my daughter getting heavier and heavier  since Katie died . We got to be morbid obese from drama in our life I feel
Just now we are talking about it and not hiding behind ice cream cookies cakes and fatting  up foods. I was baking up a storm yesterday knowing good and well I could not (Lap BAND my tool was doing it's job) when I am weak  , I had lost my temper with my daughter (the one with stroke) as she was not getting ready for church fast enough , Yup real chirst like behaviour going on here NOT  So what did I do was cooking bad food and it took me awhile to realize my old habbits were kicking in, I feel like the worst mom on earth sometimes. I mean yesterday was just werid as it seems our church family had a run on severly handicapp kids. Like a cluster of 15 kids that are really handicap and I admire those moms as them seem to be  doing a better job than me, I had mildly autistic kids and since her stroke it made her physcially impared as well and I am not dealing with this to well, I must admit. I have been in therpy with other mothers and they assure me my feeling are pretty normal and yes it can be over whelming at times just hard for me as I fEEL I am not a very nuturing person I feel so sub standard as far as a mothering goes. I sometinmes wonder what was I thinking Having so many kids? My mother as a role model for me was her passed out on floor from booze and pills, My mother is no longer like that and turned her life around when I went to high school and spents the rest of her remainig years being a amazing mom. So far my other daughters are turning out to be great moms but no thanks to me trsut me they just knew they wanted to be a  better mom the probally never really had. This is what is eating at me today.  How about you?
on 7/12/09 4:38 pm - Conway, AR
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In
I know I am late but it seems here lately I have so much drama in my life....This time it was our youngest son....Got a phone call in the middle of dinner(at Cracker Barrell)...Hello this is Mark from the Monticello Ambulance Service, do you have a son named Jonathean? OMG My heart fell to the floor! He had been in a 3 car collision and was sent to the hospital. All he said was Jonathans vitals were good and he was very confused. As I got up from the table, to get away from the noise, my Hubby called the waitress for a to go plate...the table behind us overherd my conversation and took our check and paid it. They told my husband they were praying for us and we had a 2 hour drive ahead of us, to get going! WOW there are still good people in the world. Thank God, Jonathan just had a concussion, lots of brusing and scrapes BUT he is going to be OK. That was the longest 2 hour drive I have ever been on! It seemed a woman turned left in front of him without a protected arrow, the car behind Jonathan ran into him also and sandwiched him in. I am so glad my baby boy is ok. He does not remember anything after getting off the phone with me at 7:20 and the wreck happened at 7:45. He woke up in the ER and did not know where he was.
Anyway, my week was good. I am at 162 this week. I think I lost another pound since last week.
I am so glad I have you guys to rant to....Thank you all so much for never are the best! I hope you can understand this post....It's 1:30am and my Grandbaby will be here in 4 hours fo me to watch!
Hugs till next week!


on 7/12/09 4:17 pm - Conway, AR
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In
* * HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAN * * Hope you had a great birthday! : )


Lisa A.
on 7/12/09 9:38 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In
Happy birthday Jan. You look simply amazing .
I had a sick spell this week  I can vomit  and gain weight.. I caught the stomach flu and still came up the same weight a week later LOL I holding steady at 168 and sometimes see 167 on scale briefly. I see food and gain weight ... I do have good restriction but pretty tired of diet foods. I am eating regular foods and been eating clean eating organic natural foods. no chemicals artifical sweetners no dyes organic  meats. No food additives and I been doing this over last few months and i am feeling really really good and my labs r awesome. My cholestrol levels and a1c r beautiful . I feel very healthy and the hemotologist did a panal of my blood work up and said u r extremely healthy  and on no meds for 50 year old unheard of and said your liver panal is so great and says that is where people start losing the game with their liver and that is the filter for your body,I think i have found balance and what is gonna work for my body. I may not be 147 but what what I am juding is how healthy I am with my blood work.
I think for me I was looking at the scale to judge how heathy I was and not my blood work. My blood pressure stays around 110./70. Heart rate is low. 
I will check in later with everyones progress.
Hang in there Shar.. U really have done amazing work. I am proud of you and your honesty . We all are in this together i feel we all gain or we all lose together. We been here for each other for 25 months that says alot about us.. we r winner and we stick with and by  each other no matter what.. threw the thick or thin we can count on our A team.
I bow to all of your for being here 25 months later for me.. i would not be this weight w/o you,
on 7/12/09 5:59 am - Council Bluffs, IA
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In
Well I have news, I gained 3 lbs this week. I know, I never thought those words would make me happy, but they do. I am up to 125 this morning. I havent thrown up in about a week now. I still have pain, but it is managable with pain meds. I hate taking them, but I hate being in pain more.
Shar, you can do it! You are probably the strongest person on here! I have total faith in you!
Happy Birthday Jan, you look marvelous! Have a great birthday!
Talk to you all next sunday
on 7/12/09 3:59 am - Las Vegas, NV
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In
Good morning all.  I am still holding steady at 160#.  Today is my 62nd birthday.  We are going out for brunch and just relax the rest of the day.  Hope everyone else is doing well.  It's gonn be hot here.
shar S.
on 7/11/09 9:42 pm - Buffalo Grove, IL
Topic: Sunday Weigh In
Good morning everyone,
I continue to struggle this week. I wonder .....where is my restriction? The magic is gone. I am trying to psyche myself into realizing that only my inner strength can get me through this. But I am not giving up. I can't. This week I am going to be totally aware of what I am putting in my mouth. I have to accept that hunger is back and I need to deal with it. I truly miss that over the top full feeling. I will keep you posted on my progress.

I hope everyone else had a good week.



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on 7/9/09 4:41 pm - Council Bluffs, IA
Topic: RE: Sunday Check In
Sorry this post is so late this week. Ive been working tons of crazy hours lately.
My weight is still an issue, this week Im down to 122. That is 2 lbs down from last week.
I dont know what to do. My dr that did my surgery is no longer practicing and my regular dr just tells me to keep eating. :(
Im still having stomach pains and throwing up for no reason at all.
I dont know what to do, Im at a loss.
Lisa A.
on 7/7/09 6:32 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Check In
Jodi so true of the old habits and cravings always linger. I just go in my closets and pull out the fat pants!!! Humbles me and puts me back on track usually.. All we can do is be here for each other . enjoy the 134 wow how amazing . I marvel i am in 160 something  I never thought i would see being below 200 .. yet alone 160something
on 7/6/09 5:36 am - Downey, CA
Topic: RE: -

LOL at your "stitches"!!!!!

Sorry to hear about your friend's sister. That's sooo hard to go through and you're a good friend to be there for her.

Glad to hear you are healing so nicely! Facelift now huh. I had mine before the TT &, for me, that was a piece of cake in comparison to the TT.  The stitiches behind the ears made sleeping alittle uncomfortable for awhile & the bruising looked bad but no where near the pain of the TT.
Not back til Oct?? Oh my,,,we're gonna miss you!! Best of luck on your upcoming surgery & have a wonderful vacation.

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