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Topic: Hey everyone!
I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. All of a sudden, I realized I had not been on here in forever. Just wanted to check in and say Hi.
Things are about the same. I am totally responsible for what happens. When I'm lazy about food choices and exercise, my weight bumps up. Some discipline and it comes back down.
Family stress with the parents has been making me crazy. I am such an emotional eater it is hard to not do that. Luckily the kids are all doing fine and my son has settles in at Ft Knox and is doing great. In fact, he was recommended for early promotion to Major! One day he will be running the world!
Anyway, sorry I have missed out on stuff. Looks like we all keep trudging along with good weeks and bad. Hang in there A Team...
Things are about the same. I am totally responsible for what happens. When I'm lazy about food choices and exercise, my weight bumps up. Some discipline and it comes back down.
Family stress with the parents has been making me crazy. I am such an emotional eater it is hard to not do that. Luckily the kids are all doing fine and my son has settles in at Ft Knox and is doing great. In fact, he was recommended for early promotion to Major! One day he will be running the world!
Anyway, sorry I have missed out on stuff. Looks like we all keep trudging along with good weeks and bad. Hang in there A Team...

Topic: RE: needing prayers
Don't you just love the lap band? May take uis awhile but it gets the job done.. I am sorry you have to have the hip replacement surgery but could u imgaine being 135lbs heavier and the effects it would have been being heavier and recovery time.. wohoooooooo for weight loss surgery. I will keep you in my prayers . I was so upset when I had to have shoulder surgery but u know body parts wear out and thank goodness we are able to have such surgery. It is simply amazing what they do for hip replacement surgery now adays I have been in OR in many of them and now a days they are even more amazing with the new technology.Best to you and congradulations on your amazing weight loss.Keep us posted
Topic: RE: needing prayers
First off congrats that's an impressive weight loss. Now here are my prayers for you.
I find out tomorrow if I will require surgery for a hernia that is up above the band. I have gained some weight in the last month but I know it temporary.
Good luck with that new hip, you will be up and running real soon!
Best Wishes
I find out tomorrow if I will require surgery for a hernia that is up above the band. I have gained some weight in the last month but I know it temporary.
Good luck with that new hip, you will be up and running real soon!
Best Wishes
Topic: RE: needing prayers
Good luck, Joanne. My friend just had hip replacement 3 weeks ago. Her recovery has been amazing. 3 days in the hospital, 3 in rehab, then home. She is like a new woman. Prayers are with you.
Topic: needing prayers
Hi everyone..Well first the great news I have lost 135 lbs..since 4/30/07 when I had the best surgery in my life..the lapband..I was going to have the sagging skin taken off but that has been put on hold because I am scheduled for a complete left hip replacement on Aug. 11th at Hartford Dr Mark Shekhman..So please say prayers for me...Then I will be out of work 6-8 weeks but I will be able to walk, sit, stand and lay down without all this pain..thanks for being there You folks are great.
Topic: RE: I am here
Hi Dee,
Im sorry to hear that youre battling this again. Dont give up, please dont give up. You were such an inspiration to me while I was considering and weighing everything out. Im approaching 2 years and I notice that the wight is very difficult to maintain as time goes on, but so far I havent gained more than what was my goal weight. I know it wont last forever, but Im enjoying it while I can.
Please go see Dr. F, dont fall into avoiding him because I know from experience that it is a slippery slope. Once we start feeling ashamed and avoiding things, it can become a vicious cycle of guilt and self destructive behaviors. Personally, I have been battling the urge to drink again, or do other self destructive old habits. Its a battle every single day. But WE CAN do this....please dont give up!
Im sorry to hear that youre battling this again. Dont give up, please dont give up. You were such an inspiration to me while I was considering and weighing everything out. Im approaching 2 years and I notice that the wight is very difficult to maintain as time goes on, but so far I havent gained more than what was my goal weight. I know it wont last forever, but Im enjoying it while I can.
Please go see Dr. F, dont fall into avoiding him because I know from experience that it is a slippery slope. Once we start feeling ashamed and avoiding things, it can become a vicious cycle of guilt and self destructive behaviors. Personally, I have been battling the urge to drink again, or do other self destructive old habits. Its a battle every single day. But WE CAN do this....please dont give up!
Topic: RE: What is eating at you today
I think being a parent is the hardest job in the world. And when we get the job pf "MOM" we are not given a job description and/or a manual of how to perform the job. We all do the best we can. I am sure you have been an amazing mother to your kids. Don't be so hard on yourself. We all have said things we don't mean to our kids, or acted in a terrible way. But we love them and they know it,
As a single mom since my daughter was a year old...I have done it all alone. Other than financially, I have loved every minute of it. But now the teenage years have set in and I am ready to either kill her, or myself. Some days I just want to run away from it all. But, we can't. And, we won't. So be calm, stay cool and in your mind, know thast you are a loving mom and dedicated to your kids.
I think being a parent is the hardest job in the world. And when we get the job pf "MOM" we are not given a job description and/or a manual of how to perform the job. We all do the best we can. I am sure you have been an amazing mother to your kids. Don't be so hard on yourself. We all have said things we don't mean to our kids, or acted in a terrible way. But we love them and they know it,
As a single mom since my daughter was a year old...I have done it all alone. Other than financially, I have loved every minute of it. But now the teenage years have set in and I am ready to either kill her, or myself. Some days I just want to run away from it all. But, we can't. And, we won't. So be calm, stay cool and in your mind, know thast you are a loving mom and dedicated to your kids.
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In
Good morning Shar & the A-team!
A day late,,,story of my life.
We spent the weekend painting at my son's place out at the River so I didn't get home til late last night. Too tired and excited to be HOME!
I'm doing OK weight-wise & recovering from the plastics. Face, arms & breasts doing ok. My belly is still swollen,,ouchy under the belly button. The doctor says the seroma (fluid) is gone but just still swollen. Weight-- I dropped a couple of pounds,,down to 153 this morning.
Shar, have you read about or tried the 5 day pouch test? Many people on the Calif forum do this test every once in a while and get suprisingly good results.
A day late,,,story of my life.
We spent the weekend painting at my son's place out at the River so I didn't get home til late last night. Too tired and excited to be HOME!
I'm doing OK weight-wise & recovering from the plastics. Face, arms & breasts doing ok. My belly is still swollen,,ouchy under the belly button. The doctor says the seroma (fluid) is gone but just still swollen. Weight-- I dropped a couple of pounds,,down to 153 this morning.
Shar, have you read about or tried the 5 day pouch test? Many people on the Calif forum do this test every once in a while and get suprisingly good results.