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Congrats to the loss!! Which flush did you use? I have got to do something!!!!
I know what it is I have to exercise!!!!
I was in chicago this weekend sorry I missed your call lisa!! I have been bust the kids are back in school I started my new job and went out of town. Didn't weigh myself that will be next monday hopefully something good will show by then!!! new rule nothing to eat at 7 pm so maybe that will help... Only water!
Hang in there
Hey it is is a big deal when u r dealing with a less that expected surgery outcone and the emotions and recovery process and u spent good money to have it done right.. I know ar first when i had my pannislectomy it did not come out very good and had the revision and it looked great and when i get my act together and take new pics u can see what 6 mos makes a big difference.
Update on my sisters
My sister Maria pulled threw the surgery and doing well as far as post recovery but not all was good news not only does she have cancer of the overy(expected) one type but the fallopian tube has a different type of cancer. So she will be dealing with two very different cancers/chemos and the prognosis of having two entirely different types of cancer at the same time has a grave prognosis.
Sister Kathy had her 4th set of chemo yesterday and did well but usually 3rd day post chemo is when she feels the worst but she is still strong and is a fighter. She was told that the tumors are shrinking.
Thanks for your thoughts in prayers .. Just hard being the only healthydaughter and having to deal with parents that are devistated with what is happening with their daughters
is rough part for me I was the baby of the family and now I have to be the voice logic and courage and cheer leader.
Yes Lisa, you ARE "human & Lisa" but NOT weak!! You are a strong woman facing ALOT of concerns & stress right now. You have a full plate. Easy to say but PLEASE try to remember, YOU are important too. Try to take time for you and what YOU need. YOU MATTER!
My week was OK,,,, nothing newsworthy, which is a good thing. Weight staying at 154, up or down a couple daily. My belly (tummy tuck) is beginning to heal (open hole & draining) but I'm afraid it'll have to be redone. I still have alot of saggy skin I think. No, I'm not expecting the abs of a 19 year old but I didn't plan on saggy skin either after THAT much money & pain. We'll see after I'm completely healed & the doctor says the swelling is all gone. A concern, yes, but nothing in comparison to what you're dealing with....
My thoughts & prayers are with you & your sisters!!
I am heading to sf tommorrow to be there for my sisters surgery SO JUMPING EARLY On check in
I hope everyone week went well and hopefully everyone is getting back on course How was your week? I know alot of us r struggling with weight gain .. I am no different I think I gained the most(I KNOW HOW TO DO IT GOOD) and now fighting which is good I think taking it off I went to 176 and now back to 170 whew scarry to see that number So with saying that .....
I am back.. With a serving of humble Pie
.. I really need u guys like u guys probally need me and sorry I have not been here for anyone
. I been mostly lurking
and been really struggling and basically crashed and burned for awhile
. First of all my wonderful weight scale broke and that is what took me for a nose dive and 3 scales later 2 were a piece of !@#$%^& I think I found a good replacement but I will hold my breath But during my scale night mare I managed to gain and gain and gain to 176 and I had no control. I had finally had to reach out to a fellow lap bander who I inspired her to get surgery this past july help me get back on track. I been dealing with both my sister's fighting cancer ( will talk about this in next paragraph). She said said she had the same thing happen to her when her mother was fighting advance stages of cancer and she gain 50 lbs she had lost on her own . She said that her best friend was also fighting cancer at the same time and said she was torn being there for her mom and best friend. She said to me Lisa who has time to think proper eating and stress you been under. I am trying to go back to basics and feel like I am falling off a cliff and my claws are dug in side of the mountain holding on My head is at.
Gym where is that place now?
Protien shake would taste so much better with ice cream in it.. I know someone has said this or thought this. lol
I am struggling big time
I need to stop this cycle... So I am back and gonna try to get my u know what back in line and fight this..
Current situation on my sisters, one sister that has breast cancer will be undergoing under her 4 th cycle of chemo on monday and so far has been told that the tumors are shrinking but as far as how effective only time will tell. Her cancer is in stage 4 and anyones guess is she will make be able to fight this She has bracca gene so I will be under going gene testing soon. My other sister maria has ovarian cancer and the tumor has grown to the size of a watermelon(YES I SAID WATERMELON) and the surgery is schedule for monday amd has 50% of pulling threw as it is getting blood from the vena cava and very risky but right now her heart is struggling and w/o surgery she will die .. So She found a doc that is willing to operate on her. She met with the team of docs that will be performing surgery and goal is to get her off heart pass asap and hope for no leaks and stress to her heart will not take her out. Lots of blood loss and shock , If she is successful then the next stage chemo. I am in just shock to see my older sisters struggle with this I mean both of them with in weeks of each other finding out. I am so c;ose to my sister omg I cannot lose them. I had uterine biospsy on wed and I do not expect any shocking newsDocs are going over me with a fine tooth comb and highten alertness but I will be looking at facing a total radical masectomy and removal of my ovaries uterius and I am ready for the uterius and ovaries to go I think but breast I am struggling with it. I am a mess and trying to be strong but what does strong mean when I am reaching for WRONG food and gaining ?
I am sticking with protien shakes and back to basics, They r not filling me up tho.. I go in for a fill Aug 25 and so glad I am not going back 6 lbs heavier. But i am suppose to have lost w/o a fill Guess what I gained... Doc. I am weak.. human and Lisa LOL
The post is yours.. how are u doing ???????? A team???