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Topic: RE: feeling like a failure
Just hold on! I feel your pain and struggle. I had a check up last week, and had to wait quite a while, so got to talking with other patients who have had their surgeries before me. The common theme seems to be - after about a year, it's a struggle to keep losing and stay on track. I am afraid because it seems about 2 years out, the tendency in some is to gain weight back. I have a few people around me who have gained 40-70 pounds after having surgery 2- 3 years ago. One has even resorted to Jenny Craig to lose what she has gained. This surgery is just a tool as everyone keeps saying - and I get that now more than ever.
I struggle everyday. I just try to eat completely clean/right on the days that I can and sometimes that's all you can do you know? As I read this board, I see that others are having the same struggles that we are. Know that you are not alone and you can get control again! We are here for you.
Topic: RE: feeling like a failure
What kind of surgery did u have? Lap ?Rny?. I think failure is definded when u totally give up and looks to me u r seaching and reaching out and looking for hope.. U have come to right place keep writing and own up to your feeling and start your journey back .. all is not lost u had a temp set back .. we all do and we grow and over come them and we figure out what is really eating us.. we did not get morbid obese because we love food. We got fat for a reason. Now is the time to face the demends why u got over weight and honestly find out why u need comfort food what is the pain u r trying to shove down.. Take back your control one bite at a time and look forward and say I cannot do anything about the past but I can do something now and tommorrow. being honest with your self and doing a self discovery has help me threw my times I felt like I failed, Hang in there you are not in it alone
Topic: RE: Food Ideas????
i am eating a numerous amount of things but just bored with it, take out or cook in, im just looking for ideas.
Topic: RE: feeling like a failure
I think we all know those feelings of failure. Is there any way you can get some counseling or maybe find someone to help you be more accountable. You can do this! You deserve this! How are you doing with your vitamins? I found when I'm behind on my vits my cravings for more food then usual sky rocket. Also, how much water are you drinking? I made it a goal this last week to not allow myself to eat without first drinking my 20 oz of water. If I didn't drink my water, I couldn't eat until I did. That way I'm hydrated and I found my food craving nearly stop.
Post here as often as you can.. you'll find a lot of support here. I also haven't lost anything in a few months... I keep loosing and gaining the same 10 lbs, but I decided to focus on my health and forget the rest. If your like me, you'll find that after making some good choices, you'll start to feel better emotionally. Believe it or not, you are in control, and you CAN do this. Keep posting here.. we are here for you.
Treat your body right, and it will return the favor.
Topic: RE: feeling like a failure
The feeling of failure is just snowballing the negativity. I also feel too tired to exercise but once I get out and do it I always feel better and have more energy. If you hate your exercise, find something you do like to do-it will make it not seem like another chore that has to be done.
Try to figure what is setting you off. Something is making you feel this way. Just try and think it thru and then if you need to you can make changes. If you are still having problems-go to your support whether it is local group and friends or whatever. Let them know how you are feeling and see if they can help you find your way. If none of that appeals-go to a professional. It works for a lot of people, I just always try the free ways first.
You need a positive mindset to get positive results. Work on that by telling your self positive things throughout the day. PLAN AHEAD> Plan your meals, plan your exercise, take charge and control of the things you can-and these are things you CAN control.
I have been dealing with a lot myself and when I have trouble with something I find that journalling helps me. It does not even have to be about that subject but I find once I start writing the underlying problem asserts itself to the front and then once I see it-I know better how to work with it.
I hope this makes sense....