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I am fine. Lost a few pounds this week and hope to lose the other 4 pounds I am up. But I'm hanging in there.
Off to work, so can't chat.
How waas your week?
I am eating ALOT more than I should, I am currently back up to 175lbs and could kick myself in the butt. Been eating the wrong foods to often, falling back in the old habits. :(
Hey Everyone!!! Well my life has been on a rollar coaster as u all know up down up down and I am not just talking the scale but more like lifes being on a rollar coaster and it feels like I must have ticked off their rollar coaster operator and he is not letting me off.
My father in law died on tuesday after many years of suffering and we were by his bedside. Very hard to watch two people I have cared for (Hubbies parents) pass away.I am sometimes have no idea if I am comming or going. My sister in law died last week and her services will be feb 13 and my father will be on sunday/mon Feb 7/8.My hubbies family is just over whelmed with the death of recent family members.
Thanks Shar for your prayers. I am still scheduled for my surgery Feb 22 abd I am not even emotional have accepted it is for real just have not had a moment to even digest what is about to happen and the event that is about to take place I have thought about post poing it and I am on the verge of just forgoing it but yesterday I taked to my sister and her battle of post chemo problems and it was then I realized I need to do this. I am stressed out to the max is a understatement. I am just trying to catch up on family life and and my poor kids I feel are just been negleted threw all this. I broke down to my daughter yesterday on the phone with her in a dept store dressing room. She is planning a temple sealing right after my surgery and I was thinking well I hope I can make it post surgery, This is a big day for her. We were looking for a white dress to fit her swollen 5 month tummy and she was kinda embaressed looking at wedding dresses and she felt she had to explain I been married 6 years just doing a religious sealing in the temple,I told her my daughter most people dont even Bat a eye u r pregnant but I must admit none were gowns were gonna fit her. We are doing online shopping now LOL
Dee being a mother of two autistic kids I know how it feels to reach a mile stone which alot take for granted a Kiss or perhaps a hug, My son is autistic that is 23 and he is doing amazing well. He does have a hard time with processing stress and the death of his grandparents and aunt has take a toll on him and sadly most teachers at the univ he attends do not give a rats A$$ I told him u need to realized your feelings are normal, He just has a hard time processing emotions he does feel. I think his autism has soften over th last few years and he is dating on ocassion
I can see u beaming over from her Dee
Hugs to everyone
I will post when get back from the funeral, My weight is up and actually very shocked at I am up to 175 lbs and I am thinking I have hardly eaten over days but What i been eating has been dense calories, I am not gonna stress over it and figure I can take this off but it was import to post my weight gain in the hall of shame for me LOL But this is my 175 get off my butt number and do something about knocking off the weight. I will try to be better,I need to be in 160 something I feel better in that range.I figured I am never gonna be 140 or even 150 something but I am very very healthy with my labs and that is what the doc told me I am extremly.Oh so for a 51 year old she told me most people are not as healthy as u bottom line and she said u have great numbers nothing is abnormal range I got a A+ on my labs. I got to be doing something right.
You know I am so happy right now for once I wont even bring up the negative for one post I just want to be blissfully happy!!
I miss you guys have a super week ! Shar I am going to go to my 3 year check up have not set the date I need to get my bloodwork done first probally will be in april. I will let you know so we can meet up.