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on 4/18/10 7:34 am - Conway, AR
Topic: RE: Sunday check in
Hey Shar!! I am enjoying this beautiful weather!! I am soooooo glad winter is gone!! I still get I the only one who still gets cold? This is the time of year I do my Mamogram, yearly blood work, check-up with the PCP, dentists appointments, and also the surgeon yearly check week! I have lost another 16-18lbs since last year. I think Ihave gained about 5 or 6 back in the last few weeks. PCP made me go for a bone scan, yep! Ostio in the hip, spine and neck! Now, he has ordered a colonostomy (??) fun-fun!! I think when you turn 50 the DOcs just think they can order any and all test because you don't have anything else to do!! I will be finished with all the appointments the end of May.
As many of you know, my brother was diagnosed with MGB (brain cancer) and had surgery and is STILL waiting for the latest results from the MRI so he can start Chemo. In the meantime, I have had another cousin diagnosed with the same thing.....that makes total with the exact thing! Anyway, I would appreciate continued prayers for my brother, Mike.
As far as me....bout them same!! Just happy to be alive and anticipating a great 4th year of this 2nd chance at life! Where is everyone? Just check in and say you are there! Be Blessed everyone!
BTW Does anyone take meds for pain or arthritis, everytime they give me something..I CAN'T TAKE IT!!! If I knew what to ask for I would just ask for it but I have never been on anything since Bextra and they took it off the market. Any ideas would be appreciated!


shar S.
on 4/18/10 12:44 am - Buffalo Grove, IL
Topic: Sunday check in
Another Sunday, another check in. Who will join me? I know Lisa will......eventually. And Lisa, I got your message and will call when I have time. Life is hectic.

All is well here. The weather is turning better and I am able to start walking again...hopefully that will help me with this "winter weight" of 4 pounds. I amstruggling, but not giving up. I feel like a normal person, who has to watch everything that goes in the mouth. I can deal with this.

Come on guys.......CHECK IN !!!


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Lisa A.
on 4/13/10 12:58 am
Topic: RE: Sunday check in
hey shar.. i am so sorry for not checking in sunday,,  I think everyone is letting spring get them moving outside.. I have been so busy with spring cleaning.. I feel that my life  has been kaios and has direct link to life and how my house looks. I been getting my energy back .. i feel good and light on my feet
still hanging on to 169
shar S.
on 4/11/10 2:11 pm - Buffalo Grove, IL
Topic: Sunday check in
Where is everyone???????? it's lonely here



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Lisa A.
on 4/4/10 9:15 pm
Topic: RE: Where was I 3 years ago today????
I must admit  hard to beleive just 3 years ago I was nearly 300 lbs. I want to thank everyone for being my cheer leader. during these past 3 years and even tho most have moved on and maybe only come by to read and for what ever reason  not posting but then it dawned on me this morning. We are maybe a small group that may post but others who come here are perhaps looking at how people do years out from surgery , I think we owe it here to help others combating obesity and those considering surgery and perhaps what type of surgery. I am so glad for my self to have the lap band even tho at one time I felt I had made the wrong mistake. I would like to extend a invatation to anyone wanting info on weight loss surgery please feel free to post here,, I welcome anyone reading this  to post your thoughts good or bad OR to just say hI. My weight post girl scoutt cookies up to 172 ugh.. my weakness  and luck would have it hubby bought them and I have no will power when it comes to them but now I have cookie remourse now and it is back to gym and back on track for me..  I think it is all about getting back on track
. Oh yeah I have a new fast food eating to help me  Carls jr has this grilled chicken walnut ,cranberry and apple salad with rasberry vingerette. I can only eat maybe half the salad and salad is 300 calories and if you use the whole pkg of dressing u need to add 150 calories but i get away with only using at most 1/2 of the dressing.  Not bad choice  for fast food but I eat half and save it for next day or even share with hubby, 
Shar glad u had some R and R. 
shar S.
on 4/4/10 2:19 am - Buffalo Grove, IL
Topic: Where was I 3 years ago today???? hard to believe that 3 years ago, at this moment, I was in the middle of an 8 hour surgery that would change my life!!
Today, 3 years later, I am a changed and new person. Although I may not be where I want to be with my weight, I sure am NOT where I was. Weighing close to 350 pounds was pure hell. And now, hovering around 199, life is GREAT.
I just returned from Florida late last night. It felt great to walk around in a bathing suit and short skirts.and I Loved seeing childhood friends and not beig embarrassed how I look.
You guys have been my rock. I am so proud to share my journey with you!


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on 3/30/10 8:00 am - Down South, IL
Topic: RE: Sunday check in
My thoughts are with you always! I know you are making the right and best choices for you! Your son will get over this hump he has you to help guide him.
As for me I am 225 and eating better choices. i can't get the courage up to exercise at home, My dvds are going to be so hard I can't even convince my self to play them. uggg I want to and need to be 199 that is my goal if I could just get the exercise I know I could do this! I want to quit smoking so bad! I know I need help I am going to get to the store to buy the patch maybe that will help lessen the craving. I shold of never started up! 
Lisa A.
on 3/28/10 8:36 am
Topic: Sunday check in
Hi everyone. Been pretty heck around here last few weeks. I am hold at 169 which I am happy   I am  160 something.. I kinda figured  it is what is gonna be that then  I am happy I am  below 200. I have been stepping up water and protein and will be going back to gym as I am now 6 weeks post surgery. I am so glad that most part my surgery is behind meOPPH hysterectomy and the symptoms of menopause is very mild I do se my self alittle short tempered but just keeps everyone on their toes. Tommorrow I am heading to UCLA to talk to the surgeons about now doing the masectomy. I am so confused on what route to take may end up going to new orleans as they are one of the leading breast reconstructive surgery center. I feel so alone as I dont know any one that had had breast cancer masectomy  reconstructive surgery . Yet alone tested positive for Brca gene.Seems friends get tired of me talking about it so I am trying to avoid not just stuffing my feeling down and eat wrong food choices. I am really stressed to the max but I feel I am forced to do surgery now vs later due to obama care comming law  and  not sure how that may effect my insurance.I am look at a few surgeries and want to get them done before the new year as hubby said work is making huge changes with heath care so I am on a time crunch grrrrrfy I can see them covering the masectomy but what if i want nipples and they might say now that is extra .. non covered benifit. anyway just venting.. Well April 1 is the day I decided I was no longer gonna be a fool about my obesity and apil 18 was my new bday ... I cant beleive it will be 3 years.. well we are still here.. few faithful to end. I hope everyone is doing well after 3 years and able to keep your weight in check. My son is not doing so well after losing his lap band he has gained 25lb since jan 1. Goes to show the lap bad works  even if u r not losing u r preventing weight gain . No doubt if i lost my band I would be devistared and be in same boat.EVERYONE HAVE A GOOD WEEK..
on 3/21/10 1:18 pm - Down South, IL
Topic: RE: Sunday Check In
Hello girl! And all my april mates! I didn't weigh today because tomarrow I have to weigh in and measure myself for my new exercise plan. I just got back wed from the marlboro ranch and it was amazing! The best trip of my life. I seen yellowstone and mountains and I ice fished shot gus and did archary! The best part spending time with my husband just us. The first time in 10 years!
I will let you know how this week goes with the exercise I am scared because I know how hard it is going to be but I am visualising the 50 pounds melting off.
shar S.
on 3/20/10 9:19 am - Buffalo Grove, IL
Topic: Sunday Check In
Hello everyone,
although it's only Saturday, I am starting this now, as I will be working in the morning.
I am doing fine. I have taken off about 4 pounds of the weight I put on and have about 4 more to go. What a struggle.
It's so hard to believe that our 3 year anniversary is coming up. Just reflect back, think where you were 3 years ago today....and be PROUD of yourself for your amazing accomplishment.
I am leaving for Florida on Wednesday for 12 days. I will have computer access so I will check in with you guys.
You have all been my rock for these past 3 years. I love every one of you !


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