It sunday

Lisa A.
on 1/10/10 10:57 am
Ok I guess I  will start this off and I am well on my way to lose the  lbs I gained  during xmas, I am down to 171 was 175  eek!!!!. I am going back to basics protien shakes and also  sticking to mediterian diet and seems to be working. I really have been battling wanting sweets. I hope everyones is doing ok and hope we can  revive  our board, I know people due come here and read the boards.
My son is doing well with out the lap band in fact has dropped 4 lbs since he got home from the hosptial. He says he feels great and really able to control his eating so will see how it goes for him. I would freck if i had to lose my band. I so dependent on my tool. I cannot believe we wiull be comming on 3 years. 
I hope u r doing ok Shar,, Dee keep on the positive attitude. I will call u soon crystal. Jodi where have u gone? Rhonda u seems to be so amazing.  So how is everyone else doing I know I am not mentioning  everyone  Having a brain fart with the memory but u r not forgot as all of u had a positice influnce on me losing weight. I owe this weight loss to my A team..
Be well on 2010
on 1/11/10 10:38 pm - Down South, IL
checking in today. Didn't weigh this week. I cut my hair and I am mourning the loss of my hair. I don't cry very often but I do when I cut my hair and for days! I love my long hair but I couldn't get reg cuts. When ever we had the money I had to get my kids cut so I waited and because of that needed 5 inches cut off. My hair is a little very little passed mt shoulders. I might like it in a week or two but right now nope lol.
Lisa You are an amazing person! You will lose the pounds I know it! I hope more people check in. If your doing great or not so much! I struggle everyday I struggle but I am at 230 and I was 367. I want to and need to lose 50 more but I am still better then I was. I fit in roller coaster seats. I was still worried and in Florida they have seats before you go on to check if you will fit. I checked to be sure. I would never go on and then hear I am sorry you don't fit! I loved the roller coaster! after 10+ years I was able to ride with my kids!!! I fit in the airline seats.. It was tight feeling but I I fit and didn't squish the person next to me. I have many positive things that have happened and I am trying to think more positive! We have ALL come along way! Remember baby steps! We didn't get huge in one day we can't expect to lose it either that fast. I have stopped losing not gaining but not losing. I have not been exercising. I have no one but my self to blame! I have to take time for me!! I AM WORTH IT. I have been a mother and a wife for 10 years and now I need some me time. I need exercise not only does it help to lose weight it also helps with depression naturally. Lets make 2010 the best year yet!!! 
Lisa A.
on 1/13/10 10:19 pm
Take the me time all u can get Dee, I spent 20 years of my life on  kids being a good mother wife etc and I let my self go. I was this huge person  and I know I did not  get this way just because I loved food. I still crave the comfort food demands and I will always battle my weight it is my weakness but comming here is how I am gonna  continue to make it threw this weight loss. We all are on the post weight loss wagon and some are doing amaing some cannot stop losing weight while other never made it to goal but no matter what we share this common threat we a;; decided to commit to weight loss period and no matter what we check in and talk about our sucess our failure  and just plan check in. I hope next  sunday we will  do a true weight in just so u can keep record of where u are and hope to make the best of the new year.  I love april 1  as that is the day i started my journey when i decided not to be a fool about my obesity. I said to my self I am no longer gonna be a fool about obesity and I stepped on that scale  and I owned up to the weight I was, Own up to your weight people and then make the commitment u love your self enought to be heathy and  work on the reason u r not  able to keep the weight off. I am dealing with very very heavy stress in my life and if i do not get a hold of it it will get a hold of me. I just gained 10 in a month?? trsut me  was not easy but I just slacked a few weeks did not bother to check in I must admit I was to embaressed to come here and check in. I felt like I let u guys down but i really let my self down in process so with renewed faith  and intrest I will be the last woman standing here even if I post my self I need to to post  my numbers. I know some are so depressed not to post while others work family takes them away but I HOPE ALL OF U WILL JOIN ME in next sunday weight in.. and if nothing more  u can only do now check in  tell u r ready to weight in.. we all are  so much better off than we were 3 years ago...  period!!!!
on 1/14/10 12:04 pm - Conway, AR
Better late than never! I am here and doing ok! Hubby had revision 2 1/2 weeks ago and I have been busy with him and work! He is great and 26lbs lighter! Did not weigh Sunday but I weighed at the Dr's office last week and finally got down into the 150's!!!!! Well today it was back up to 161.. Where is the rest of our crew? Been missing you guys! Let us hear from you. Will check back in Sunday! Hugs to everyone!


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