Sunday Check In

shar S.
on 12/27/09 12:54 am - Buffalo Grove, IL
Hi everyone.I am only taking a minute to check in and say I am OK. I have been sitting vigil over my friend, who is in hospice. She is expected to pass away at any time and I have been here with her, comforting her. Other than that, I guess I am OK. The hospice area is filled with cookies, cakes, and all sorts fo goodies, which are hard to stay away from, especially when I don't have anything protein/healthy with me. But, I am trying my best.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and you all have a good week



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on 12/27/09 3:25 am - Down South, IL
Hello A team!
Haven't been around there is a surprise! Went on vacation to Orlando with the family and with my monster in law. Half was wonderful the other half a nightmare filled with 3 visits to the hospital! Daughter got an eye infection, husband had staph that was an abscess with cellulitis that had to be drained and left a hole bigger than my drain hole. Son ended up with staph as well the Dr's first thought bed bugs. ugh then I came home and ended up with a terrible cough(can you get kennel cough from an airplane?) I was up for 3 days hacking and coughing every time I laid down I coughed.

Well you know I am still addicted to infomercials and I am buying the workout video insanity. I was going to my boxing class and it was the toughest class I ever did. He had the first 1/2 cardio circuit which was push ups and sit ups and push ups on medicine balls. kettle weights and jumping over **** also chin ups and pull ups. This was crazy hard, but I loved every min if it. Well since we only have 1 car and the class is at 4:30 I can't make it because my husband gets off work at 4:30. So I am buying this because I watched the commercial and it is the very same **** I was having to do in boxing. I know it will be very hard... I mean the people in the commercial couldn't keep up and they were athletes. I need something to challenge me and get boring. This has 10 videos with it and a calender to know what to do. The first month is 30 min every day the second month is 45 min. once I get the DVDs I will post daily how I did and feel along with my menu. I still have 50 pounds to lose. I want that off by April before I go for my 3 year visit or I wont go again. (I ditched my 2 year I was too embarrassed  to see my Dr)
I also bought a heavy bag for boxing at the house. I am going to get it hooked up in the garage. I love punching things and this way instead of fighting with the husband I will put my gloves on and go to the garage.

I hope everyone had a super Christmas or what ever you celebrate! How about a New years resolution... Lets get back to the A Team! Checking in every week or when ever we want t or need too!

I have slided I have been eating sweets and drinking soda and neglecting my self! The new year I am getting back on track... For me that is
1. Quitting smoking!! I quit for 12 years and then started again and I am a pack a day girl now
2. Get rid of the soda! Go back to 1 coffee a day and then only water!
3. No more sweets! no cookies chocolate candy except extra chewing gum!
4. Exercise!!!! do the insanity  videos everyday it says if i want to or don't and use the heavy bag in the garage!
5. learn Patience stop flying off the Handel!
6. Take my vitamins and start a calcium pill!!

Now I want to hear from you!!! 
on 12/27/09 1:39 pm - Conway, AR
Hey Dee & Shar~
Glad to hear form you both! I am still here but off work till the 4th!! Hubbys revision got put off for a few days. It was suppose to be in the morning but instead it will be Wednesday morning. He is also getting a hernia repair and gall bladder taken out. He had Stomache staple in 1978 back when they just stapled the stomache and left him with a 4 oz pouch. He came home and ate fried bacon and eggs for his 1st home meal!  BOY have things changed! Anyway, he is going to have a complete make-over! I am stoked about it too!  Please keep him in your prayers this week....I would apppreciate it very much!
I am still hanging in at about 162 and still want to get into the 150's. Still working on taking my vitimins and gettintg more exercise.  Hope everyone had a merry Christmas and now let get the new year started!  
Hugs to everyone!


(deactivated member)
on 12/27/09 10:43 pm - NY

Hi Everyone,

I am sorry about not visiting and posting as frequently as I should - life seems to be full of distractions since becoming a mom.  I am continuing to lose (probably due to aggravated ulcer).  Right now I am coasting at 179lbs.  I would really like to be a healthy 145 but it feels soooo far away.  However, this is a overwhelming improvement compared to my all-time high of 360lbs-- I do realize how I should be grateful and count my blessings.  You know how it goes - the grass is always greener on the other side, yadda yadda. The strange news is that I can somehow squeeze this body into a size 8 at DKNY.  Go figure?  I remember being this weight in high school and not being able to fit into anything smaller than a 14.  This barely makes sense to me.  I feel like my self esteem would greatly benefit from abdominoplasty but I do not want to look into it until I am as close as possible to goal weight - otherwise, what's the point of plastic surgery?  I'd rather have the surgery and then work on maintaining, not continuing weight loss.

on 12/31/09 1:13 am - Council Bluffs, IA
Happy New Years to everyone! I know that this is a little late this week but Ive been working a lot this week & we have had tons of snow!  We had a blizzard on Christmas eve and had 12 inches of snow dumped on us. I was snowed in at my boyfriends house for 4 days which was not a bad thing :)
Pain wise, it's a little better and seems to get worse when Im under a lot of stress, so I dont know what's going on there. Weight wise, Im down to 116 lbs. Eating almost everything except fried food because they make me nauseous.
My goal for 2010 is to start toning my muscles more. Getting the Wii Fit so that should make it fun :)
I wish everyone a happy and healthy 2010!
Love you all,
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