Sunday Check In
I have had to develop deep strength and faith (not sure how I am doing on this YET) and endure yet another medical drama. I recieved yet another life altering news on wed morning my doc called me at 8;50 am and said I have your results of brca gene testing and she said i am sorry to have to tell u this over the phone but i know u been waiting almost a month for results but u did test positive for brca 2. gene cancer causing gene
I was in shock, This gene has impact on my sons and daughters and it affects men for male breast cancer as well, I have seen so many docs in last few days my head is spinning. I would come into the oncologist GYN and you would think I was a handing them a death notice and they had the look of horror and sadness and they would give me a hug and say i am sorry, I asked the oncologist how many people walk threw your doors and have this and he said only 2 or 3 a year. It casues so many other cancers as well like melanoma ,pancreatic cancer, stomach he told me Ugh Feel like a dead man walking. Well looks like my new boobies were just training boobs and will be having a masectomy and ovaries removed asap but was told i can have immediate reconstruction surgery so I am getting new boobies EVERYONE .. humor here and I am going with gel if at all possible.
So was told no more weight loss as they can use my fat to fill in the new boobies may not have enough fat LOL SOMETHING I THOUGHT I WOULD NEVER HEAR lol I am thinking BACK OF MY HEAD oh yeah I am expert making lots of fat LOL
Current weight 167 holding and well more to follow on doc and surgery etc.. I am trying to grasph my head around this news I been threw rainbow of emotions and fight the tears back (I hate to cry) I do not want to hear one more person tell me I will be fine as that is not a conformiting thought to someone that has this gene we are not fine hello we have a gene that causes cancer and we need to fight and think positive and help me get threw process is what I will need
So everyone how is your week going trust me I could hear some good news from anyone? if not hey misery loves company LOL We are strong and A team right??????
Hugs to all
I was in shock, This gene has impact on my sons and daughters and it affects men for male breast cancer as well, I have seen so many docs in last few days my head is spinning. I would come into the oncologist GYN and you would think I was a handing them a death notice and they had the look of horror and sadness and they would give me a hug and say i am sorry, I asked the oncologist how many people walk threw your doors and have this and he said only 2 or 3 a year. It casues so many other cancers as well like melanoma ,pancreatic cancer, stomach he told me Ugh Feel like a dead man walking. Well looks like my new boobies were just training boobs and will be having a masectomy and ovaries removed asap but was told i can have immediate reconstruction surgery so I am getting new boobies EVERYONE .. humor here and I am going with gel if at all possible.
So was told no more weight loss as they can use my fat to fill in the new boobies may not have enough fat LOL SOMETHING I THOUGHT I WOULD NEVER HEAR lol I am thinking BACK OF MY HEAD oh yeah I am expert making lots of fat LOL
Current weight 167 holding and well more to follow on doc and surgery etc.. I am trying to grasph my head around this news I been threw rainbow of emotions and fight the tears back (I hate to cry) I do not want to hear one more person tell me I will be fine as that is not a conformiting thought to someone that has this gene we are not fine hello we have a gene that causes cancer and we need to fight and think positive and help me get threw process is what I will need
So everyone how is your week going trust me I could hear some good news from anyone? if not hey misery loves company LOL We are strong and A team right??????
Hugs to all
I just love You Jodi!!!!!! Can u believe us jodi dealing with this medical crap after WLS ? I have to say even tho this sucks and I am gonna have to do prophylactic masectomy and prophylactic removal of uterus fallopian ovaries cervix I am gonna shore up my odds not to get cancer. I was thinking could you imagine if i was 300 lbs and having to make this decison and I am thinking what doc in his right mind would do such a invasive surgerys with a woman that size? I would be flat out of luck being so heavy You are so right we are in far better heath than we were two plus years ago and it may seem we are having alot of breck down now post WLS but to be honest our wagon was broken along time ago and we just ignored fixing the problems associated with obesity. Just losing the weight for anyone lowers our odds of not getting cancer.
I was talking to my sister sat morning via Phone for over two hours and we were talking about damn this really sucks and well lets talk about OUR CHOICES. She said on phone her hubby could not even talk about the breast issues post her chemo for ovarian cancer and she was so glad to be talking to her little sis about the choices we need to make in very near future, I told her that my two brave sisters will probally save my life and their u guys are even in older life you were looking out for your baby sis. I said we are gonna beat this and die old and sitting in rockers somewhere with are perky boobs at 90 and being the envy of nursing home for having perky boobs. We just cracked up. I said We have lots of choices as cancer has not hit our boobies and we have tons of choices and so what we may look like sally on nightmare before xmas with our stitch lines everywhere. I figure my boob job in april was just training boobs kinda like we had we when we were small wearing training bras.
We are not 17 anymore and nor do I want to be. We are fighting woman strong and we have beat the odds of morbid obesity so why not beat the odds of cancer right??? We are strong beautiful and certainly look alot better now than we did 10 years ago. I am looking at my old scars on my knees and u know they really have smooth out since the wls I think having better circulation now than I do when being so HEAVY makes a difference
I am gonna be a sexy old lady with perky boobs and not I wanna be a Old woman they portray on the Kaiser commercial. I am gonna be a ******y old woman with perky boobs kinda old woman LOL
Love u guys
I was talking to my sister sat morning via Phone for over two hours and we were talking about damn this really sucks and well lets talk about OUR CHOICES. She said on phone her hubby could not even talk about the breast issues post her chemo for ovarian cancer and she was so glad to be talking to her little sis about the choices we need to make in very near future, I told her that my two brave sisters will probally save my life and their u guys are even in older life you were looking out for your baby sis. I said we are gonna beat this and die old and sitting in rockers somewhere with are perky boobs at 90 and being the envy of nursing home for having perky boobs. We just cracked up. I said We have lots of choices as cancer has not hit our boobies and we have tons of choices and so what we may look like sally on nightmare before xmas with our stitch lines everywhere. I figure my boob job in april was just training boobs kinda like we had we when we were small wearing training bras.

I am gonna be a sexy old lady with perky boobs and not I wanna be a Old woman they portray on the Kaiser commercial. I am gonna be a ******y old woman with perky boobs kinda old woman LOL
Love u guys
My heart breaks for you! I have not been here in forever and I just thought humm I need to swing by and see how the A team is and Holy **** I about fell off my chair!! You have been through so much and you have become stronger for it. You are a fighter! You are a hero too. You will beat this because it is all you know to do!! I love you girl!! You stay positive!!
I didn't even know there was gene that could cause cancer! I am so glad you found out now before you got cancer! You can fight this stay pro active...Stay Strong!!
My heart breaks for you! I have not been here in forever and I just thought humm I need to swing by and see how the A team is and Holy **** I about fell off my chair!! You have been through so much and you have become stronger for it. You are a fighter! You are a hero too. You will beat this because it is all you know to do!! I love you girl!! You stay positive!!
I didn't even know there was gene that could cause cancer! I am so glad you found out now before you got cancer! You can fight this stay pro active...Stay Strong!!
So good to see you Dee!!!!! I had no clue this was comming my way I heard of brca gene but never saw that even a remote possibly and saw possiby when my aunt died 20 years ago it was a cancer that maybe was sporadiac or just familial trait, I heard this gene was prevelant amoung jewish but now I find it hits hispanics dutch scandivian list goes on and it just snuck up on us. Only one sister tested positive for the gene but the other sister will be retested to make sure it was not missed as she has breast cancer My oldest sister has the same gene as I
Trust me I am not a hero or strong, I am scared and thinking damn I cannot beleive this is happening.I am working on courage and maybe going threw the emotions but i am making the right choices to beat my odds agaisnt having cancer.
I love ya dee!!!
Trust me I am not a hero or strong, I am scared and thinking damn I cannot beleive this is happening.I am working on courage and maybe going threw the emotions but i am making the right choices to beat my odds agaisnt having cancer.
I love ya dee!!!