Sunday Check In

shar S.
on 8/9/09 12:41 am - Buffalo Grove, IL
Good morning everyone. Sorry I was absent last week, but here I am today! We are having the hottest weather in Chicago this weekend. It is the hottest in the passed 3 years. before surgery, I wouldn't even venture out in this kind of weather, Now, even though it's almost 100 degrees, I can tolerate it. How a little weight loss changes everything. It's nice to still have some AHA moments. I am holding my own although everyone has lately been telling me that I look thinner. I'm not losing weight but maybe inches,,I'll take that. I hope to hear from alot of our Ateam this morning.

And how was your week?



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on 8/9/09 2:24 am - Downey, CA
Hi Shar & A-Team!!

Glad you're back Shar. I miss seeing your updates!  Hope it cools down in Chicago. 100 plus is just alittle TOO hot!!  It's been mostly in the 80's-90's here in So Cal. Nice. I like it warm.

I've been doing OK. Still working on getting this TT to heal. Getting real tiresome. I'm at the point where it want it HEALED or for him to go ahead & redo whatever he has to do.

Weight-wise I put on a couple this week,,,154. I don't know why,,I'm not eating any different than I usually do. Maybe next week will be better,, I HOPE! 

And how about everyone else? Hanging in there?????

on 8/9/09 3:02 am - Down South, IL
Hello A team
I just weighed my self and the damage is 235 My lowest was 209 and highest 367.
I just contacted my friend who is a personal trainer in chicago. Maybe he can help me make a plan to lose the 50 pounds I have to lose.

I also learned that when I eat sugar even if it is a yougart not low fat I get so sick to my stomach not like throwing up but so sick I have to go to sleep right then. it is like I am in a diabetic coma or something. I have no choice but to go to sleep for atleast 30 min pretty scary. I also know that if I eat spag and meatballs even without noodles I get sick and taco meat makes me sick too.
So I am making of list of things that make me sick and stick it on the fridge maybe just maybe I will look at it and avoid the ****

Well I think I got a job with dish network it is only part time mon-fri from 9-2:30 and it pay 11.00 a hour. but hey I can still drop off the kids and pick them up and still work at the post office on sat. so that should help us out some. Lee will get unemployment but it is only 330 a week before taxes. so every little bit will help.
I am going to keep ya updated and make sure I post on sundays and maybe just maybe the weight will fall off again
shar S.
on 8/9/09 3:45 am - Buffalo Grove, IL
I am so happy to see you checking in. I do believe it will help you,and us. Do you think you are dumping? We're not supposed to because Dr. F doesn't cut the pyloric valve. And if you are, why now? I know you can do this, Dee. Post whenever you need some hand holding.



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on 8/9/09 7:28 am - Orland, CA
Hey A Team,
I'm still alive and kicking. I am at my goal weight. I really need to watch what I eat. I am still real active.
Dee, it sure sound's like dumping to me. I have a delayed dump which hits me 2 hrs AFTER I have sugar. I get blurry vision, the shakes and Hot flashes like you can not believe.
Here's hoping everyone stays strong. We all have a lot of stress in our lives but we just need to believe in ourselves.
on 8/9/09 5:25 pm - Down South, IL
Thanks you guys!
I don't think it is dumping but if I eat sugar I get real sick maybe I am getting diabetits or something I don't know? \

I told my husband I need incntive so he agreed to 10 a pound I want to lose 50 so every 2 weeks I have to weigh myself infront of him for cash!

I am also going to try and cut out all carbs that make me sick. I am going back to protien and fruits and veggies nothing white. Wish me luck I think I got my push back!!
on 8/11/09 10:18 pm - Des Moines, IA

Its not Sunday, but I would like to check in. I have checked back in previously, but I just seem to fall back into my hermit ways. I've been fighting this journey alone in my head for so long it seems impossible for me to reach out. I seem to be more giving of support then I am recieving it for no one's fault but my own. Its like I don't feel worthy of people caring about me. This is all part of the reason for me coming back.

I have gained back 15 pounds. This scares me so much that I feel like I can vomit just thinking about it. I can not go back to the person I was before WLS. The person that has found freedom becuase of this journey just can not go back to being suffocated. I have established a lot. So I am going to try my best to give support and be held accountable for the actions that I chose. I have read this board enough to know that I have been blessed to have a forum to come to that is inhabitated by wonderful people, whom are familiar with my struggles. I am sure that I can learn much from you, and I hope that you can learn from me. I need to refocus my life. I need to make weightloss and my health my main focus, as it has not been for almost a year now. yes I watch what I eat, but I have chosen to take part in activities that are counter productive.

Dee, we are on the same boat girlfriend. Lucky for us this surgery provided some oars so we can paddle our butts out of here.

So with this I'll end. Thanks for reading thus far. My current weight is 173 (that was having to pee) I would like to lose 25 pounds by the end of September. I am considering going back to liquids for two weeks-1 month mark.

Much Love


shar S.
on 8/12/09 12:50 am - Buffalo Grove, IL
Welcome back and stay with us. We are all battling some sort of personal demon and we are definitely in this journey together. Post as often as you nedd,someone will always answer and support don't need to wait for just Sunday to do this. In my opinion, though, you must set reasonable goals and I truly think that a 25 pound loss in 6 weeks is unreasonable, at this point. For me, making goals of just eating properly works alot better. What activities do you do that are counterproductive? Can you curtail some of them?
Most importantly.we all care about you and you ARE worthy.



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on 8/12/09 1:39 am - Orland, CA
Amanda, I was really struggling (heck I still am). I have been trying to get to support group locally so I have to see people face to face. It really helps me on my accountibility. I also had to get honest with myself. I also found out I sure was not alone. There were many at support that have put on A LOT of weight. I know I want to nip this in the bud now while the amount to keep ahold or lose is small.
Some things I have done, I added another protein shake ( I now have two a day). I think my body was feeling hungry/cravy due to not getting enough for me (I was meeting my daily guidelines but due to physical activity my muscles need more.) I also tried adding an acai berry energy drink loaded with B vitamins & anti-oxidants. It really keeps my energy stable without adding any caffeine or stimulants.
I have said over and over again that this a a very tough journey. Wrapping my head around some of the issues I need to deal with can be overwhelming. The one thing I can actually say is that I finally feel worth it. And the biggest motivator is I do not ever want to be fat again. The weight of that is both physical and emotional.
Stay in touch!
on 8/11/09 11:10 pm - Council Bluffs, IA
I am way late checking in this week. Work has been crazy and my life has been crazier.
Weight is down again, 118 this week.  I dont know what I am going to do. Still having pain from the pancreatitis which keeps me from eating sometimes.
If I dont check in for a couple of weeks, you know that I lost so much weight that there is nothing left of
I hope you all have a great week, and try to stay cool Shar! It's hot here too. Heat index was 105 yesterday and I mowed the lawn and just about died!

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