I am kinda around.. more lurking than anything just have not been in a good place gained 4 lbs and my period is late and no I am not pregnant I think it is starting of menopause I am emotional wreck and feel like failure and I am in this huge hormonal tilt and My hubby is not understanding So I guess it is my issue, I wish sometimes I was not stuck in this situation
Well, before surgery I was down about 158 lbs from my highest but I had massive abdominal hernias. Not quite Babette, but pretty big. They figured they'd need to do mesh to secure everything but I actually had good muscle tissue, it just was too much and out of place.
So they cut me from side to side and peeled back the abdominal skin and got the hernia fixed, removed my belly button (I didn't want it anyway), and cut off 8.6 lbs of excess skin. The surgery was about 5 hours long and I really did well.
I did have to stay at the hospital a second night because I was NOT ready to be home after just 24 hours. However, by about 36 hours I was ready to rock and roll out of there. I had surgery on Wednesday morning and was home from the hospital around 2:00 pm on Friday.
Saturday & Sunday were fairly quiet days spent mostly in bed except when I went to the bathroom. However, Sunday night I started having problems with one of my drains -- fluid was gushing out around the drain site and the tube wasn't holding a suction.
Monday was spent pretty much in bed because every time I stood up, the drain port was leaking all down my leg. Not fun. I'd get up to go to the bathroom and then get right back in bed.
Today I saw the surgeon. He removed the left drain and we're hoping we've gotten the right drain back to suctioning, though there is a vacuum leak somewhere because I keep getting air in the tubing. I'm taking it easy today so that that gaping hole where the tubing was can heal over.
Pain hasn't been bad at all. I had Lortab Elixir (I'm allergic to demerol and pure codeine) and took it every 4 hours until Sunday evening. Then I switched to Tylenol on Monday. I hadn't taken anything before the doctor took out the tube, but I just took 500 mg of Tylenol because it was starting to ache and hurt.
I'm hoping to get out to get my hair washed again this afternoon because I still can't shower -- just monkey bath. Won't be able to take a full shower until next Tuesday when the other drain comes out. I can only wal****il May 20th when I can then start exercising again. I also have a wonderful midriff binder to wear. Such a JOY in Texas in Spring/Summer.
How are you doing?
So they cut me from side to side and peeled back the abdominal skin and got the hernia fixed, removed my belly button (I didn't want it anyway), and cut off 8.6 lbs of excess skin. The surgery was about 5 hours long and I really did well.
I did have to stay at the hospital a second night because I was NOT ready to be home after just 24 hours. However, by about 36 hours I was ready to rock and roll out of there. I had surgery on Wednesday morning and was home from the hospital around 2:00 pm on Friday.
Saturday & Sunday were fairly quiet days spent mostly in bed except when I went to the bathroom. However, Sunday night I started having problems with one of my drains -- fluid was gushing out around the drain site and the tube wasn't holding a suction.

Monday was spent pretty much in bed because every time I stood up, the drain port was leaking all down my leg. Not fun. I'd get up to go to the bathroom and then get right back in bed.
Today I saw the surgeon. He removed the left drain and we're hoping we've gotten the right drain back to suctioning, though there is a vacuum leak somewhere because I keep getting air in the tubing. I'm taking it easy today so that that gaping hole where the tubing was can heal over.
Pain hasn't been bad at all. I had Lortab Elixir (I'm allergic to demerol and pure codeine) and took it every 4 hours until Sunday evening. Then I switched to Tylenol on Monday. I hadn't taken anything before the doctor took out the tube, but I just took 500 mg of Tylenol because it was starting to ache and hurt.
I'm hoping to get out to get my hair washed again this afternoon because I still can't shower -- just monkey bath. Won't be able to take a full shower until next Tuesday when the other drain comes out. I can only wal****il May 20th when I can then start exercising again. I also have a wonderful midriff binder to wear. Such a JOY in Texas in Spring/Summer.
How are you doing?
U will really go down by the 4th month, I just went down like 4 pants size over a month I am still swollen but not as much Just some in the mons area but it is slowly going down still have the hematoma that needs to be reabsorbed. I think when i hit the gym is when i noticed it just sucking in and i can see my tummy muscles peaking threw. I got into size 6 jeans very easy and infact one pair of jean i could have probally got into a size 4.