How About Sunday Check-in?
Thought if it had a different name, maybe more of you would stop lurking and let us know how you are doing! We want to know!!!!!
After my weird weight gain and hormonal stuff, everything is back to normal. My weight is a more normal 156 so that's okay. To bad about losing the boobs for the second time-darn!!
I cannot believe we are coming up on our 2nd anniversary. Just think where we were 2 years ago. A lot heavier and a lot unhealthier. We've come a long way baby.
Stay strong A Team!
After my weird weight gain and hormonal stuff, everything is back to normal. My weight is a more normal 156 so that's okay. To bad about losing the boobs for the second time-darn!!
I cannot believe we are coming up on our 2nd anniversary. Just think where we were 2 years ago. A lot heavier and a lot unhealthier. We've come a long way baby.
Stay strong A Team!

I think this is a good idea also. Not many people want to share their weight with everyone. I am sure there are some who have faltered and gained some weight back. and it's OK. We are not here to judge, we are here to support. I know I have been cheating a little and I admit it. Hey it's OK. We have to break all the old habits we use to have. I agree, STAY STRONG A-TEAM JAN