Pics of me in bathing suit and rice test for implants sizing

Please note No rice was harmed in making of the pics

You can begin to get a rough idea of how you might look with breast implants by doing the rice test. Using bags of rice worn inside a sports bra, you can "try on" different sizes very quickly and become educated about fill volume measurements in cubic centimeters (cc's) prior to discussing size with your plastic surgeon. You may want to use bras in several different sizes to experiment with and to simulate how you may look and feel at different sizes.
To make your "homemade" breast implants, cut a 12-inch length of pantyhose (don't use the foot portion) and tie a knot in one end. Then, fill the length with rice according to the chart below to simulate breast implants of various sizes. To try a different size, pour the rice back into the measuring cup and re-measure. Ziploc bags can be used instead of stockings, though stockings are usually more comfortable and conform more easily into shape when placed inside the bra. Different fillers can also be used, including water, instant mashed potatoes and oatmeal.
Amount of Rice (cups) |
Implant Volume Simulated (cubic centimeters) |
0.53 cup | 125 cc |
0.63 cup | 150 cc |
0.74 cup | 175 cc |
0.85 cup | 200 cc |
0.95 cup | 225 cc |
1.06 cups | 250 cc |
1.16 cups | 275 cc |
1.27 cups | 300 cc |
1.37 cups | 325 cc |
1.48 cups | 350 cc |
1.59 cups | 375 cc |
1.8 cups | 425 cc |
2.01 cups | 475 cc |
2.22 cups | 525 cc |
2.43 cups | 575 cc |
2.64 cups | 625 cc |
2.96 cups | 700 cc |
For example, to test your appearance with 350 cc breast implants, fill your stocking with just under 1 1/2 cups of rice.
Once you have prepared your "rice implants," try on different shirts, blouses and bathing suit tops and look at yourself in the mirror. Wear them around the house, to the gym, to run errands and see how your activities are affected. Ask trusted friends, family members and your significant other for their opinions. Think about how you would look and feel with breast implants of various sizes. Take notes throughout the test and take them along if you decide to see a plastic surgeon.
The rice test is valuable as a fast and easy way to approximate your appearance with various implant sizes. Just remember that it is only a general guide for sizing and should be considered mainly as a way to begin educating yourself and prepare for your consultation with a plastic surgeon.