Being invisiable
I am a people watcher and do notice what people do or not do when they are around you, I was in sport store looking for a new bathing suit and as I walked in I was like invisiable no strange looks,shaking heads No whispering, Before was so bad I got stares or giggles Teenagers were the worst. When I was morbid obese and going in several times to buy my speedo suit I got werid looks etc and suggest may not have my size go online for biggger sizes like I was not gonna be a consumer at the sporting goods store.
I saw this little girl and u know how honest kids CAN BE she did not even say anything like look mom she is so fat cannot tell you how many times I heard that from kids before. I got the you are old instead I walk in and out of a store and no one notices me or chuckles, I just blend in crowd as before I stood out like a sore thumb, I don't even notice men check me out anymoreoK THE ONES THAT DO ARE SICKOS LOL I guess I hit the old hag looks now as I am really looking so old, My skin just hangs on my face and look so gauntly, My hubby and friends tell me I look so annorexic looking now and I do not need to lose any more weight but then they do not see my thighs,
That was the shocking thing of all trying on suits yesterday I got into size 12 suit np and looked good around the waist etc and all of sudden I look at these huge elephent in legs Oh my, I cannot wear a bathing suit with gross looking thighs, I heard alot of people complain about how bad the legs look after the tummy tuck and they are so right. The focal point of a huge pannis ahs shifted to the thighs It is like a true freak show GOING ON and now I am gonna be shopping online for a unitard swim suit. I use to think having no boobs was worse now I decided thighs first before boobs CAN BE LATER I just look like someone hung my skin on bone hanger threw out my body. I have no elasticity in my skin seems being latin decent it is a curse as far as skin issues . We really do not have recoiling working for us, I guess everyone has their own unigue problem with the type of skin u have. Us latins tend to have saggy skin scar real bad and fight age spots but on the other hand have less wrinkles but after looking at my face I think the little welsh I have in me is not helping the wrinkles LOL I have not updated my pics as I am soooooooo not liking how I am turing out looking like, I am not getting the complaments I am getting the u do not look well. I know must be i turned 50 that got to me. I keep hoping it is the surgery that has made me look so bad. I am feeling good, Good thing i am invisiable now. lol I LOOK LIKE THE CREPT. My doc wanted me to get to 140 and I am thinking no way I will look real bad as I know it will come off my face not thighs, I hope the fact I have not worked out in 10 weeks is why i have no tone going on, I so want to hit the gym but I need a suit LOL. I am not sure the fact i have lost most of my weight in last 7 mos then the last 22 mos is why I am going threw the ugly ducking phase. I did notice my hubby skin hanging at first and now looks better but then he is white and a male need I say anymore. Males are blessed when it comes to weight loss.
Just saying LOL
I saw this little girl and u know how honest kids CAN BE she did not even say anything like look mom she is so fat cannot tell you how many times I heard that from kids before. I got the you are old instead I walk in and out of a store and no one notices me or chuckles, I just blend in crowd as before I stood out like a sore thumb, I don't even notice men check me out anymoreoK THE ONES THAT DO ARE SICKOS LOL I guess I hit the old hag looks now as I am really looking so old, My skin just hangs on my face and look so gauntly, My hubby and friends tell me I look so annorexic looking now and I do not need to lose any more weight but then they do not see my thighs,
That was the shocking thing of all trying on suits yesterday I got into size 12 suit np and looked good around the waist etc and all of sudden I look at these huge elephent in legs Oh my, I cannot wear a bathing suit with gross looking thighs, I heard alot of people complain about how bad the legs look after the tummy tuck and they are so right. The focal point of a huge pannis ahs shifted to the thighs It is like a true freak show GOING ON and now I am gonna be shopping online for a unitard swim suit. I use to think having no boobs was worse now I decided thighs first before boobs CAN BE LATER I just look like someone hung my skin on bone hanger threw out my body. I have no elasticity in my skin seems being latin decent it is a curse as far as skin issues . We really do not have recoiling working for us, I guess everyone has their own unigue problem with the type of skin u have. Us latins tend to have saggy skin scar real bad and fight age spots but on the other hand have less wrinkles but after looking at my face I think the little welsh I have in me is not helping the wrinkles LOL I have not updated my pics as I am soooooooo not liking how I am turing out looking like, I am not getting the complaments I am getting the u do not look well. I know must be i turned 50 that got to me. I keep hoping it is the surgery that has made me look so bad. I am feeling good, Good thing i am invisiable now. lol I LOOK LIKE THE CREPT. My doc wanted me to get to 140 and I am thinking no way I will look real bad as I know it will come off my face not thighs, I hope the fact I have not worked out in 10 weeks is why i have no tone going on, I so want to hit the gym but I need a suit LOL. I am not sure the fact i have lost most of my weight in last 7 mos then the last 22 mos is why I am going threw the ugly ducking phase. I did notice my hubby skin hanging at first and now looks better but then he is white and a male need I say anymore. Males are blessed when it comes to weight loss.
Just saying LOL
wow, I can't imagine the skin troubles.. I am concerned that will happen to me as well... I wasnt heavy my whole life but most all of my adult life, at least since babies... I dont regret them just what they did to my body as a cruel joke.. of course weight gain was my own punishment to me and now disguist is all I see in the mirror. Hoping that will change with time. Saggin skin on my belly is propbably a scarey reality and my breasts have already packed up and moved south long ago, as for anyother part, I guess we'll see. I am trying to concentrate on the weight loss and eating healthy and exercize. Horrible word but necessary one I know. I have so many battles ahead and ready or not here I come.. I think your very brave and your definately not alone. Bathing suit shopping is a scarey thing when you have weight issues anyhow. so much emphasis has been put on fake women in unrealistic suits. I hate that but it is what it is.. maybe the attitute of screw them and I am what I am needs to show.. Your beautiful just how you are and be glad .. the skin is like a lizzard, shedding the old you and the new you is emerging through like a beautiful butterfly...
Kellie being so young will help with the saggy skin I have been obese my whole life and it shows the years of the abuse. I am heathy and that is the main focus I should concentrate on but the darn demends show back up and play with my head . I am diabetes free and cholestrol is in check and I do look better in clothes. I just have to see my self as a lizzard shedding my skin.. I thought it was stuck on me LOL.. Cool I am a gieco now lol he is rather cute in his own way don;t u think? lol
Thanks for the sweet insight
Lisa you are FAAAAR from being an "old hag". I do relate to how you feel with the hanging skin issue. Being pregnant with hanging skin has been the strangest experience for me, self-esteem wise. You can see pics from christmas in my "after" gallery of photos on my profile page. You'll see what I am talking about with the hanging skin. I wish I had something productive and more positive to say but at the age of 31, I am right alongside with you. I have hanging skin under my chin/on my neck. At 31???? I didn't know it was possible at my young age. It has been very strange for me. I try to ignore it but - being that we are women - it's very difficult.
I think sometimes the stress and depression also leave their mark. Lisa you are going thru a lot so of course it is going to show. IT also has to do with your self perception-and we all know that most of us do not view ourselves as we really are.
As for the comments-everyone has to have one. I have people that keep acting like I am still losing weight-which it has not changed significantly for almost a year. The problem is they just do not know how to view me since I am no longer fat. That is their problem-not mine.
Try a new haircut-I did and boy has it made me look younger and *****ier! Get concealer for under the eyes. Now that i do not have a lot of fat under my skin-where it is thin is dark.
I also am careful to take pictures from further away and then crop and enlarge. The close ups look like mugshots!
As for the comments-everyone has to have one. I have people that keep acting like I am still losing weight-which it has not changed significantly for almost a year. The problem is they just do not know how to view me since I am no longer fat. That is their problem-not mine.
Try a new haircut-I did and boy has it made me look younger and *****ier! Get concealer for under the eyes. Now that i do not have a lot of fat under my skin-where it is thin is dark.
I also am careful to take pictures from further away and then crop and enlarge. The close ups look like mugshots!