Never forget
you are a warm wonderful beautiful human being
you have made the best of what life doaled out to you
and you are still coming out on top
you are an inspiration to others, even when they don't tell you
and you are loved
no matter what
I'm praying for you, come what may
Strength to you, girl
All the best
Lisa,,,,,,,,stop it, get hold of yourself!! Your fear is overpowering you and you are so much stronger than that. Life sucks sometimes, and you are feeling that now. failure?? At what??? Raising all your kids to be the best they can be when others doubted their ability? Having major surgery in order to lose weight and to fight that battle? Educating yourself? Living your life as a loving person? Are you a failure? I don't think so. The road in life gets hard and you will get through this. Please, get another opinion about back surgery. I also have spinal stenosis. I have taken water PT and there are days I can barely move. Thsnkfully, I am not facing the surgery....yet. You have not caved in with all the adversities you have had to deal with. That, my dear friend, is a success. Take a deep breath, gather up your inner strength, and carry on. What's the alternative?? Can you give up? Absolutely not! You can do this. You are strong. Keep reminding yourself of all your worthy and wonderful qualities. You have fought for your kids, not fight for yourself. You can not give in! And, I will not let you. Neither will any of us here. Vent and ramble as much as you want,,,,,,but then...get back in the saddle and ride all the way to the best life you can have.