it's on the move
It feels so good doesn't ? I 2 years out and struggles with getting think this is the exciting times for bansters we are crossing the finishing line or is in close view. I know our journey is slow I was talking to fellow banster who was struggling with candy addiction and said she cannot stop and said if she only ate what she was she would be farther along, I told her candy is just a symptom of what is eating at you. I said the band has not failed nor you u just need to work threw it, I said we all struggle from time to time but she said she has not been tos upport and i said studies shows the more support u have the better u do and i told her about OH I said my A team has been here when I was ready to give up, So glad your scale is on the move again, Congradulations !!! I am so proud of you wow u have lost over 100 pounds that is amazing. Keep up the good work and look foward to seeing u each more here, We need everyone more than ever,