Happy Thanksgiving
1. I have a support group in the A team that keeps me in the zone and accountible.
2. My son being home on leave from Afghanistan right now.
3. My first holidays in a very long time where I am not obese.
4. Friends and family who have supported me thru this long journey and who loved me even when I did not love myself.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!!

I cooked up a 25-lb. turkey, and made all the traditional sidedishes plus I made pumpkin, pecan & apple pies. I ate a ton of turkey and only a spoonful of some of my favorite sidedishes. I munched on veggies & dip and later in the evening I enjoyed a small sliver of pecan pie. It was delicious and our day was wonderful.
I'm soooo very THANKFUL for my A-team friends. You are my only source of support. Living so far away from the city I never joined a support group because there isn't one locally around here. So I have relied up all of you and you guys have been the BEST! I read everyones comments and when I can I post myself. You guys have always been there for me and I'm so grateful.
I survived Thanksgiving without gaining any weight and now my next hertle is Christmas and all those scrumptious cookies!!! Those cookies are my downfall. But I'm committed to baking a ton of Christmas cookies for all my neighbors & friends. It's what I do every year and I'm not going to stop now. I'm just gonna have to find a way to be really disiplined and keep my hands out of the cookie jar so to speak!
Keep up the good work everyone and keep posting to let us know how you are doing in your journey. It really is a blessing to me to hear from everyone else.
And work those pounds off with LOTS of Christmas SHOPPING! LOL!
Well Happy belated Thanksgiving to all My OH family, I just have not had time to get on computer Long enough to type anything to all of you, But to all of you I think about you everyday and look forward to read from each and everyone of you, Our A teams matter to me I am very greatful for the love and support you all have give me, I would not be as sucessful with out my OH group.
I have a local support group I go to once a month but I am extremly shy to even talk up plus this is pretty much structured and seems no matter what odd thing u r having they kinda say refer to the doc. I think they have newbies comming in and they don't want u to scare newbies off so they cannot give u support I need LOL. I am so proud of my OH family that keeps comming back and stays with me threw the Thick and thin like Dee said. I Love the cookies also and man this is gonna be such a hard time for me not moving much for xmas and no tighten and tummy tuck recovery so we will see how it goes over the Holidays. I am fighting weigh gain to the Max as i really need a fill but Doc will not do it tell 6 weeks post surgery due to swelling Ugh.. I am fighting hunger and I hate that feeling so bad something I have not felt in 20 mos is hunger Ugh.. I do not the feeling I can eat a horse lol
Ps I could actually sleek threw the crowds on black friday I actually felt skinny for first time.