1 1/2 years out...where is everyone on their journey?

on 11/13/08 5:55 am
Hi Everyone,

I've been an occasional poster and avid lurker. :)  I am real curious where everyone is on their journey to date.  We are all a year and half out and I'm extremly aware of this being the critical point in which re-gain is a possibility.  I have been maintaining my weight since June but would still like to lose another 10 pounds.  I still try and track my food daily but don't on the weekends.  I still dump on too much sugar or fatty foods.  I still worry about re-gain and I'm determined to weigh every day (a scale aversion was a contributing factor to my gaining weight), track my food, attend support group and continue to follow the rules.  I want to be normal and eat normal but sometimes that is a slippery slope for me so I really have to watch it.  I try to course correct much sooner and quicker than I used to.  For example, if I eat something high in calories for breakfast - that doesn't give me a license to do it the rest of the day! :)

Where are you?

4/24/07 - 127 pounds
on 11/13/08 9:28 am
I am down 100lbs. Only 3lbs away from my goal of 140. Serious issues lately with reflux while i'm sleeping. Very unpleasant. They say I am overfilled so I go tomorrow to get some taken out. I'm real worried about that. I don't want to be able to eat more, but the vomiting everytime I lay down is not healthy.  I'm also wondering about all the extra skin and "cottage cheese". Does anyone else where some sort of "body suit" to look good in their skinny clothes or is it just me?

on 11/13/08 1:03 pm
Congrats!  Sorry to hear about the reflux but I'm sure you'll find a happy medium with the fill.  I had RNY but have friends in support group who struggle sometimes with getting the sweet spot.  I do have extra skin and my PS said there was 8 - 10 pounds.  I am hoping to have surgery but it will realistically be a while.  I had "lipo in a box" that I wear sometimes depending on how sheer the clothes are - mostly in the Spring - I haven't had them on since August.
Lisa A.
on 11/13/08 11:53 pm
Just a quick note on band  and coughing reflux. I have issues with my band when i have alot of mucus post nasal drip and it can make me gag and vomit and have serious issues. I  take psuedofed to help dry me up at night and not cause the issues. I have bad allergies. Take note what u are vomiting up is it food or mucus? Once I get in voming cycle I know I swell and need to go on a strick liquid diet tell the swelling goes away in a few days. I use spanx to help me with the excess skin issue but I am scheduled for a tummy tuck Dec 8th for me I can only hide so much of the excess skin, I just have thus huge pannis that i look pregnant now yikes ,so embarrssing when people ask me when my baby is due and now I tell them Dec 8th lol Something every woman turing 50 soon wants to hear LOL Good luck
on 11/14/08 4:00 am - Las Vegas, NV
Hi,  I also am afraid of gaining weight back.  I also weigh every day and record my weight.  I have lost 136 # and I am 3 pounds below my goal of 160.  At my 18 month check-up I was told I was thin enough and at the right weight for me.  I am happy with that.  I still don't eat sugar and try to stay away from carbs and fats.  I really don't dump anymore.  I eat three   4 oz. meals a day and drink protein shots after the gym, and have  two 2 oz. snacks during the day.  Usually 2 oz of mixed nuts or cheese.  I also have about 20# of loose skin on my legs, boobs, arms and tummy.  I look OK as long as I keep it covered.  Maybe some day plastic surgery.        Jan
on 11/14/08 11:33 am
Did you ever think you would hear, "you are thin enough"?  I hope you celebrated that.  Can you eat more than 4 oz or is that choice?   I usually eat between 6 - 10 oz depending on how much protein I eat.  Just curious how much everyone is eating. 
L.A. B.
on 11/14/08 7:35 am - OH
Hard to believe a year and a half have gone by already. I reached my goal of 135 pounds over the summer and have been maintaining ever since. I lost a total of 112 pounds and I feel great. I worry about re-gaining so I make sure I stick to the program most of the time. I do have an occassional splurge now & then but I don't carried away like pre-surgery days. I weigh myself once a week and if I noticed I went up a pound or two I just cut back on my carbs and add more protein....that seems to do the trick. I always make it a rule to first eat healthy foods before I let myself indulge in the junk... usually what ends up happening is I don't have anymore room for the junk or I only eat a very tiny bit. This is a good rule of thumb to stick by.... it keeps me from going crazy on the junk.

I don't exercise regulary but wish I did... I just can't seem to work it into my hectic schedule. I hope to add excercise to my new life style sometime soon. I don't dump anymore but I don't eat that much sugar either. I still wait about 30 minutes to drink after I eat and I take my vitamins everyday. I probably drink too much coffee but it's my weakness.  I just love coffee! The neat thing is that I don't add surgar to my coffee and like just a little bit of cream in it, so that's not too bad. I'm very fortunate to not have a lot of lose skin. I have some but it's hidden by my clothes and doesn't show up much. I need to get myself some spanx to hold it all in and give me a smooth tummy. I don't track my food.... never did. I just reach for healthy choices and stay away from the junk. I'd like to lose another 5 pounds but that's my personal desire not my doctors. Overall, I'm very happy with how successful my weight loss surgery has gone and how I look. Shopping for clothes is an absolute blast now whereas before it would bring me to tears. Life is good and I'm sooooo happy I hade WLS!
on 11/14/08 11:29 am
Thanks for posting.  This is a real testament to the 80/20 rule...which is where I try to reside! :)  Coffee is my weakness too and I really was never a coffee before surgery - go figure.  Oh well, I drink 1 cup a day and my nutritionist says as long as it doesn't hurt my tummy I'm good. :)  Thanks for taking the time to post.  We should do this again on our 2 year anniversary!
on 11/14/08 10:22 am
Went to the dr today because of the reflux. Had my first experience with the flouro (spelling???). Turns out somehow after a year my band tightened itself. Almost nothing was getting through and it stretched my pouch. So now I am completely unfilled and scared to death I am going to gain again. I go back in 4 weeks to see if the muscle has repaired itself. If not I may need another surgery to reposition the band. Is it wrong that I want the surgery to correct it now!! I can't go 4 weeks without restriction. But I guess another surgery would require me to go that long anyway. Just freaking out a little.
Anyway, on the plastic surgery subject... How much does removal of excess skin cost and are insurances covering it?
Oh, I am officially down 104lbs!. YAY ME.
have a good day.
on 11/14/08 11:39 am
Hey Stacie,

It's not wrong to want to have the surgery now!  Remember, you have also gone through a year and half of behavior modification and can continue your good habits the next 4 weeks.  Also remember, calories in/calories out....you will not magically gain weight.  If you don't already, I would recommend eating 5 small meals a day to ensure you don't get overly hungry.  I actually do that now, I eat at 9a, 12p, 3p, 6p, and 8p.  This keeps me from grazing and I plan my day in advance so I know how much I'm going to eat.  I know I'm giving you this advice with having a small tummy but some of the same principles can apply.

Congrats on being down 104 pounds - you lost a 5th grader!

Most insurances don't cover plastic surgery unless there is a medical necessity for it.  For a total body lift, I've been quoted $38,000.  For the lower body lift $13,000 - $17,000.
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