Looking at everyones before and after pics and more
I have to say wow we have some hot momma's and even those who do not have kids are just simply amazing hot. in my book Some people do not even look like they were ever over weight everyone looks like they do not have problems in the world right??
I just wanted to say ty to the A team for helping me achieve my goals and how i come here most days hoping to hear / read some inspiring story or maybe a melt down story like mine lol and how people can identify with u
I been having bad eating days last 2 days and i guess it is time for me to use my skills i have learn to deal with the stress. I been pigging out last 2 days and I have no clue why grant u pigging out is nothing like it was before surgery not even close by any standards but still something is going on and I need to figure what is eating at me. I am over whelmed and stress and my hubby is leaving to alaska and he is yelling at me all the time bad mood is not helping the situation and of course the house keeper did not come in this week so I have to clean my house ok I am no house cleaner here I know I am not gonna get sympathy here but me cleaning mopping doing toilets is not for me anymore. My house is total wreck and I have no clue where to begin ok. I was gone out of town and kids have trashed it while i was gone and the laundry did not get done ok maybe i know why hubby is mad lol but dammit I am over whelmed here
anyone have idea how to do laundry more efficenty cleaning I have this stupid front loader washer yuck smells bad never get one folks. what was i thinking how in world am i gonna get my house clean after tummy tuck surgery?????? I am looking for all you amazing people who have that spotless house ,clean children how do u do it? how do u juggle it
what was i thinking having 7 kids??????????? and soon to have the severly handicappp daughter move in soon if the insurence does not pick up the 60k a month tab, I have to have this house spotless and kids are not getting it grrrrrrrrrrr help!!!!!!!!!! at least when blanca the house keeper came in it was like she was catching me up for the week but she is not been here for2 weeks ack !!!!!!!!!! i am soooooooooooooo overwhelmed here
Ps I never did get the energy everyone talks about from losing massive amount of weight loss i move like the fat woman still .. and i have had everything checked and the reason why i have no energy is because i have mitiral prolapse valve and their is nothing i can do with it and that is the reason why i have no get up and go energy i have to force my self to move. ok off my butt to do this work job i think losing weight is alot eaiser than doing my house work lol thanks for letting ramp and rave here
My kids are so busy with school and sports lives little time for them to do house work and now hubby has them doing the lawn and that keeps them away from the indoor duties grrrrrrrrrrr
They do help out just so much to do with so many people always on the go and i am the taxi .
btwn seminary band youth activities sports and home work we run out of time and man that front loader run soooooooooooo slow
well thanks for understand
once again thanks foe the tip
Here's what I do..... I try to keep the main floor (kitchen, family room, living rm & dining room) picked up and company ready. If you have a clean kitchen and a clean bathroom then don't worry about anything else. The bedrooms upstairs and the basement are usually always messy.... I try to keep them semi clean but at least the main part of the house looks ok and I won't freak out if company drops in on me as long as those rooms are picked up and tidey.
I do 3 loads of laundry a day. First load is started in the morning.... 2nd load lunch time and 3rd load dinner time. I have a hamper for each kid. I pull the laundry out of the dryer and just put their clothes in their hamper. They are responsible for getting their hamper and folding & putting away their clothes. I fold mine & my hubby's clothes and all the linens and put them away. And if your laundry is really behind make a trip to the laundry mat where you can knock out all your laundry in one day and be all caught up. It's worth the money.
My house is far from spotless but it's picked up and the bathrooms are clean and usually the kitchen too.... for me that's all that matters and it's about all I can keep up with. Someday when the kids are all grown and out of the house I can have a spotless house... but until then we have a semi-clean lived-in look that works for us.
Hang in there Lisa.... sounds like you have your handsfull. Do what you can and don't sweat the small stuff. Above all make sure you take care of yourself. When I get into that pig-out mode I try to make sure I have some healthy choices on hand and fill up on those instead of all junk. I still eat some of the junk but it's not a lot because I stuffed myself with nuts, fruits, veggies and cheese sticks. And drink lots of tea!