My prayers and thoughs are with u dee for a speedy recovery for your up comming surgery. I can't wait to hear from u or your friend asap,
Shar if u get a chance call me and let me know how things went for dee if u get a chance
On yum kippur are you not allowed to talk on the phone or is it just so much to do with the holiday? I don't really know what the holiday is for but I hope you have a great one!!!
Yom Kippur is the holiest day in the Jewish religion. I will be in synagogue Wed evening and for the most part of Thursday. So..............while I am there,I will slip in a prayer for you! Good luck and give Dr. F a big kiss for me
Thanks Lisa!!! I will make sure you guys know how it goes! I am charging my camera right now for the dreaded before picture lol I will be leaving today about 5:30 pm to go to chicago and surgery is looking like it will be 6:00 or 6:30 am