Hi Kimberly,
I keep those 100-calorie microwave popcorn packs around and have one every now and then, like once or twice a month. It's satisfying because it's a large volume of snack food (for us) and quite tasty. I suppose it's not on our surgeons' plan for us, but I don't think it's the worst thing in the world, in moderation.
I LOVE popcorn and was worried after the surgery that I'd never be able to eat it again. But it's never been a problem for me. Of course I eat a lot less of it then I use to... now I order a small popcorn instead of a huge bucket when I go to the movies and sometimes I can't even finish the small bag.
My experience with it was a little bit different - I tried some, not very much, and it sat like a lump in my stomach, so I've avoided it (as much as I love popcorn). Nothing got stuck or anything; it just for me wasn't a very pleasant feeling. I guess based on the other answers it wouldn't hurt to try it to see what it does to you. Don't eat too much at a time, though.
Check out this link re: Glycemic Index Foods etc...
It's one of those foods that a "catch 22"...it's good as a filling munchie but it's high in carbs and swells (hence the filling). I have had a couple pieces over the course of the past year...the most being one of those 100 calorie bags of Smartfood and it went down okay but got to my pouch and OUCH. I avoid it even though I LOVE POPCORN, espcially the Kettle Corn.
But...if you really want to know ask your Nut. or surgeon what they feel about it.