About what is up with me
THank you all for your words of love and encouragement. I cried reading all your responses. I know that things will be ok but it does help to have people that truely care on your side. I think I have most things done now. I turned all services into my name and I opened a new checking account and now I am looking to get insurance on my car but it is in his name so I am not sure if I will have troubles. I went to couseling yesterday and she said that she feels I am doing great with everything and she thinks that at this time only Angel needs help. So I am strong. Joseph had his follow up appt from his surgery and they said everything looks great. So We are moving ahead. Everyone keep them in your prayers. and I will keep you posted as how things are going. Once again thank you all I would love to respond to all but I am running out of time so more later.....I love everyone of you all....
I am so sorry life has dealt you this hand, but you are one strong lady and I know you can pull through this and come out an even better version of yourself. It takes a huge amount of strength to call child protective services and file for divorce and head into counseling. You have won the battle already by grabbing the bull by the horns and taking care of this business. more power to you, my friend!!