calling all April 07 surgery Group Has any seen crystal? or Allie? the guys? ETC
Hi, I'm still here just really stressed & busy these days. We are going through some financial difficulties and I had to pick up a part time job. It started out fine but now they are adding more work, days and hours to my schedule and it's no longer fun. It's taking me away from my children and household duties and because of the added stress I seem to be dealing with headaches everyday. Plus, I'm working all day long without taking a break... not eating or drinking anything from 9am till 3pm. That's just too long without food or water for my body. So at the moment I'm not enjoying life... but I'm doing what is needed for just a little while till we get back on track financially. Money troubles really suck!
Miss you all and hopefully when things ease up a little I'll be on here more. I would be lost without the A-Team!!!!
I'm sorry. I am a lurker for the most part. I do however read this board every day. I am very thankful to you, Shar, Inky and the other regulars for sharing with us on a regular basis. I don't know why I don't post more. Sometimee I just think that I don't have much to contribute. I'm not as well spoken as some of you. And a lot of what is posted is like you took it right out of my head. I feel the same way so much of the time. I too am dissapointed about lack of posting by our A-Team. I was also dissapointed that our Chicago trip never came to be. For those of you that do post regularly, please do not stop! I look forward to reading every single morning.
I will try to post more. Honest.
Thanks you all,
Joni I am gonna be here even if I am the last one that posts here. I really do not have much of a support system except one person and I am sure they will get tired of me stressing. I love the weekly weigh in becasue it holds me accountiable and inline and plus I forget was I 200.6 or 199.6 LOL also I can go back to earlier posts and gives me a time line how long I have been seeing the same numbers. on earlier posts. I sure wish the trip to chicago came threw .. I would go u bet.. would be fun who knows may happen u never know. I think we should try it when obesity help holds a seminar in chiagao then we should all go.. just a idea
Seen Allie post a couple days ago on the post op pregnancy board but said she was leaving the boards but didn't say why just said issues? (no I am not pregnant or planning thier was a lady who lost her baby neice and someone on another board wanted us to say a prayer so I was on there looking at the post and seen alie had posted so I was wondering how she was)
I know not much help but she is still around. Not sure about the boys and hello crystal!