1/2 Marathon
Hey, everybody! I finished the 1/2 marathon this weekend! I ran it in 3 1/2 hours - not that great, but I finished, so I'm happy. And I didn't come in last (which is a first for me - I've ALWAYS come in last when I've been forced to race - of course, the last race I participated in was probably close to 50 years ago, in elementary school) !!!!
Marcia "Run??? MOI????"
I am so proud of you and your marathon and determination I hope to get back to my training circuit as soon as i get my shoulder fixed and do a marathon I would care less if I came in dead last in a marathon just the fact I finished one would be a sucess in itself.
So are u inspired to do another one?
I am in a group that is training to run in the Chicago Marathon in October, so, yes, I'll do at least one more. We'll see after that. This is one of the items on my "bucket list" (I didn't see the movie but love the term) - things I want to do before I "kick the bucket". Providing of course that running in the marathon (26.2 miles - the 1/2 marathon was 13.1 miles) doesn't cause me to kick the bucket (lol). If it does, I hope it waits until AFTER I cross the finish line.
Just wanted to share that accomplishment with you. We CAN do it, whatever we want to do.