Yup I did call to share but I did not want to tell your hubby he would have thought I was nuts LOL This has been a long incrediable journey for me.. Started this journey april 2001 and 7 year later I arrived to a Major goal. I remember the day I went to EMT Academy weighting 295 and the look on their face of this this fat old lady was thinking how could she become a EMT. yet alone fit in a desk. I remember seeing the doc and told him I need to lose weight and he put me on 200 calorie starvation diet and I lost like 30 lbs in 3 mos but My gall bladder starteds to act up so my doc made me quit and I did keep it off living the demands of emt work u will not gain weight trsut me very physical work But I never lost any more wither and still had BMI 40.1 and when diabetes developed and I knew I could not do something I love doing being so fat WITH diabetes I would not pass the EMT physical well I just had my Emt physical and was medically cleared to work, the doc said u have done amazing job .. your diabetes is gone, I can't wait to go back to work when my shoulder heals but for now I will enjoy being 199, Being a diabetic and being a emt does not mix so I had to do this or all my training would be done in waste My only regret I did not do this sooner . Ty crystal for being here for me..w/o you I WOULD HAVE GIVEN UP ALONG TIME AGO!!!

Thanks Inky Well our job is not done yet we have Dee comming up .. we all our here waiting for her to join us!!! Feels so goos to sit on the onderland bench!!! I am applying super glue to my seat LOL I am never want to go back to 2 ton land , I was there for 25 years and that is half my life being over 200 OMG I JUST REALIZED THIS as I am typing this

WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!! I knew you would!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!!!!!!!!
Lisa you have been so inspiring to me. You continued to push forward even when you didn't see results as quickly as some of us and you never once gave up. You always sounded positive even at your lowest times and you showed us how to handle lifes stresses & struggles while keeping on track with weight loss. For this you are to be commended even more than reaching onederland! You are the queen of positive inspiration and motivation and we have all learned some valuable lessons from you. I'm glad I've had the opportunity to travel this journey with you and blessed to have you on the A-Team!!!!
Doing the HAPPY DANCE with you!

Lisa U really bring tears of joy to me when I read your responce. Trust me so many days I just wanted to give up. May not posted them here but trust me I did want to.. I have never felt sucessful at many things seems I failed and gave up on myself. I know alot of people are probally tired of us talking about weight loss and infact many are perhap jealious or think we took the easy way out. Trust me if just eating 1200 calories alone would made this happen I would have hit goal along time ago but one variable that is not factored in is your body is unique and different how it responds to lack of calories. My journey is not just about weight loss but it is learning to love who I am and be ok about loving my self. To feel good enough to be worthy, I am a extreme perfectionist and their is no way of winning when u have a mind set this is just a self defecting thought process. I am doing this with out therpy as after 10 years of it did not get me thin just made me fatter. It took one special person to help me understand me and why and how I was still messed up. I need to tell myself I am good enought to be 160 but today I am 199 and that is good for now.. This has been a spirtuial mind blowing journey for me and I have the power to make a change for the better. I deal with a Hubby that is a RNY and is busy trying to sabatoge my sucess by tossing me a chip bag (he bought) at me or a soda or a piece of cheese he may very well be able to eat like that now and not gain weight back (but he has creep up to 179 to 191 shh that is gaining weight in my book) He worries and thinks he is caring but u know I lost the 15 lbs while he was in alsaka for 2 weeks .. I saw it yesterday after i reached goal he was trying to secretly fatten me up and he was doing it subconquently and he made a commet wow we are only 8 lbs apart now. He is so competive and jealious of me and does not want to share the lime light He can wear the pants in house but dammit he should leave me to wearing sexy dress and heals I have the legs for it he doesn't LOL Ok I got off track but TY for all your support

This is for you shakeria
you will get here and I will be here

Marcia ty for being here for me I thought no one was gonna be here well i was soooooooooooo WRONG!!!! Our A team is alive and kicking butt.. Just look at the other boards and alot are dead and we are alive and gonna make it togther !!! we all need each other and we have a few left that need us to make it to onderland!! and I welcome anyone who is struggling and has gone astray come back we are here to get you moving again!!!