The turtle has made made it to ONDERLAND Has been a LONG weary journey Big Thanks Shar and Inky for polishing the bench for me ty for all my A team members for being here for me , special thanks to crystal for beleiveing in me
I am 199.8 this am and it does not seem real to me ... I was 199 when my daughter alisha was born and she is now 25 and expecting her first child at 174 lbs I told her she could not have her baby tell I reached 199 well now she can have the baby!!! Her baby is due july 4 th. I had thought I would have I reached this goal a long time ago so here my stats
Highest weight was 295 LBS lost 32 lbs fronmedically supervised starvation diet
263 when I went in for WLS Consult
250 day of surgery april 18,2007
Last week 203
Today 199.8
-4 lbs
this week 96 lbs gone forever!!!!!!!!!!!
on with the next goal!!! not even sure what that is yet LOL Hmmmmmmmmmm
I did it!!!!!!

Well Way TO GO woman....and you know what I will always believe in you. You are a wonderful friend that I can always count on. Aim high I know you can do anything you set your mind to. And I am so sorry I was not home when you called you probably wanted to share your awesome news. Well you are doing great and you hang in there baby gets better......